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Troubleshooting a hang when opening a report window on Windows

This article applies to users on Microsoft Windows only.

Issue #1

You are able to open and log into CDM+ without issue. However, when opening a report window, CDM+ hangs.

Issue #2

You are able to open and log into CDM+ without issue. However, when opening a report window you receive a warning from your antivirus software about a trojan, similar to the following:

Threat Prevented "C:\Windows...875317.vbs" was identified as a trojan and is now blocked.



CDM+ reports can offer an option to send report output to Microsoft Excel. CDM+ is likely hanging trying to detect that installation.

CDM+ uses the following shell command to query the Windows registry for Excel:

req query "HKCR\Applications\Excel.exe"

However, the hang is not likely when running this command, but when invoking the system that runs commands in general.

First, CDM+ identifies the Temporary folder.

Next, CDM+ creates several files in the temporary folder, linked with a unique identifier:


Executes suran_script_wrapper[identifier]2.vbs, optionally:

  • With elevated privileges
  • Waiting for the code file to exist


Creates a WScript.Shell and runs suran_script[identifier].bat in it
suran_script[identifier].batContains the command and writes the return code
suran_script[identifier].outContains the command stdout and stderr
suran_script[identifier].codeContains the command return code

CDM+ launches runs the shell command by invoking:

wscript.exe suran_script[identifier].bat

You can view this command and the output in the Application log.

If there is a hang, it is likely when running this set of commands.


The following files are designed to mimic running the Windows registry command the same way CDM+ runs the command.\

To troubleshoot:

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Extract
  3. Open a command prompt
  4. cd into the suran_script_runner_example folder
  5. Execute run_command.bat 

Troubleshoot what this command won't complete. Common issues might be:

  • Security software blocking wscript
  • Permissions issues writing these files
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.