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With CDM+ Payroll, you can manage your employees, run payroll, and track everything you need for year-end.


Default Employee Information

Payroll Setup Window In Default Employee Information Setup, you will enter information that applies to most employees of the organization. The default values...

Creating Deductions

To navigate to Creating Deductions, from the Welcome to CDM+ window, click Payroll. Then click, 2. Enter other deductions (e.g. insurance). This will take yo...

Getting Started in Payroll

Use of CDM+ Payroll requires an active enrollment in a CDM+ subscription. Reach out to our Sales team at to enroll today! Navigating to Pay...

Payroll Setup

Some of the items you will need to have in your CDM+ database before you start using Payroll are: Salary/wage expense account numbers Expense accounts for th...

Managing Employees

Employee Records Setting Up Clergy Payroll Setting Up Additional or Fixed Withholding How to Configure Employees in Maryland

Running Payroll

Calculating Payroll Calculating Time Off Writing and Posting Payroll Checks Payroll Direct Deposit in CDM+ ACH Payroll

Year End Tasks for Payroll

Review Employee Records Review the Employee Record for all employees that were employed during the year. Double check the accuracy of pay items, deductions, ...

Printing Tax Forms

CDM+ has partnered with Aatrix, a tax forms service company, to provide all federal, state and some local tax forms. These forms can be printed or e-filed (f...


Reprinting Payroll Checks Error Creating Configuration File Installing the Tax Forms Viewer on Windows as an administrator indicates it must be installed by ...

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