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January Survival Guide

You are not alone! This January Survival Guide will walk you through every step for year-end reporting.


Year End Checklist

CDM+ Edition Below you will find a checklist PDF of CDM+ procedures to guide you through your year-end tasks. Use this checklist and time frames as suggestio...

January Survival Guide for CDM+ Essentials

CDM+ Essentials for Fundraising and Donor Management makes year end reporting easy. Year End Checklist See the full Essentials Year-End Checklist at this lin...

January Frequently Asked Questions

I have multiple databases with Payroll associated with both. Each of the payrolls are on the same Employee Identification Number so I need to print/eFile W-2...

How to Issue a Year-End Bonus Check

There may be a time, especially around year-end, when you may want to provide a bonus check to your employee. There are a few ways to do this. The steps belo...

Tax Forms

Order Online Dynamic Systems® provides checks, forms and other business products—all guaranteed to be 100% compatible with CDM+ software. Order Tax Forms Req...

W-2 and W-3 Forms

Choose the guide that matches your configuration. Print Your Own W-2/W-3 Forms (Windows) Print Your Own W-2/W-3 Forms (macOS) eFile W-2/W-3's (Windows) eFile...

1099 Forms

Choose the guide that matches your configuration. How to Generate and E-File Form 1099-NEC on macOS How to Generate and E-File Form 1099-NEC on Windows How t...

Updating Giving Funds

If you use year-based giving funds to manage pledges, you may have recurring gifts or Engage Giving Sets that need to move from one year to the next. For exa...

Contribution Statements for your Givers

Online Statements Email Contribution Statements Print Contribution Statements

Contributions History Videos

Watch in fullscreen: press play arrow and then click on the square in the bottom right corner of the video frame. This CDM+ video demonstrates Contributions ...


Watch in fullscreen: press play arrow and then click on the square in the bottom right corner of the video frame. This CDM+ video demonstrates archiving. Add...

Tips for Getting Help

Each January our clients revisit annual tasks and often need help getting them completed before the end of the month. As such, the month of January is our bu...

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