1099 Forms
Choose the guide that matches your configuration.
1099-NEC and 1096 forms can be either eFiled or printed. Both methods are equally supported, but eFiling is recommend because it:
Saves time and money to order blank tax forms
Saves time on manual labor to print and prepare forms
Saves time and money to mail forms
Allows you to submit your forms early, then cancel and re-submit later with corrections if need be
Provides an off-site backup copy of your forms
*You may now be required to e-file depending on the nature of your organization and reporting volume. We recommend that you work with your CPA or Tax Advisor to confirm any e-filing requirements set by government agencies.
You can use these guides for 1099-MISC and 1099-INT forms (which are less commonly-used) with two modifications:
Set the correct 1099 form on the Name tab on Vendor Records
Use the 1099 Setup tab on Vendor Records in CDM+ to designate the box where payments will be reported
Choose the appropriate form in CDM+ when opening the 1099 Tax Forms report window
Otherwise these guides are 100% applicable to 1099-MISC and 1099-INT forms.