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Updating Giving Funds

If you use year-based giving funds to manage pledges, you may have recurring gifts or Engage Giving Sets that need to move from one year to the next.

For example, your giving funds are configured as follows:

  • General 2020
  • General 2021
  • General 2022
  • General 2023

At the end of 2021 you need any recurring giving to move from General 2021 to General 2022. You also need to update Engage to accept gifts to General 2022 instead of General 2021.

Updating Recurring Gifts

There are two approaches to make this change to recurring gifts—manually and with Suran's help by contacting support (RECOMMENDED).

Contact Support

If you are enrolled in Data Hosting or have a SAAS subscription, CDM+ Support can migrate recurring giving for you from one fund to another. To make this request, email with the following information:

  1. Your organization's name and location
  2. Your database name (found in CDM+ under About → System Information)
  3. The name of the previous year giving fund you want to stop using
  4. The name of the new year giving find you want to which gifts should move
  5. If you need existing contributions given after a specific date to the previous year's fund to move to the new fund
  6. The date from which contributions should move funds (if applicable)

CDM+ Support will raise a request with our Data Services team to make this change. You will receive email confirmation once the change is complete.

Data Services and CDM+ Support can only move recurring giving. If you need to change the funds on your Engage Giving Sets follow the process outlined below to do so.


View the process to manually update funds...
  1. Log into CDM+
  2. Open Reports Contribution Reports Recurring Contributions->Recurring Contributions Listing
  3. Under Search:
    1. Choose Standard
    2. Choose the previous year giving fund
    3. Choose All Sources
  4. Under Report:
    1. Check Page by Source
  5. Refresh the report

Process each gift based on its source.

Source: CDM+

  1. Open Program Contributions Giving Unit Records
  2. Find the giving unit
  3. Click the Recurring Giving tab
  4. Click Change
  5. Click the pencil icon to edit the gift
  6. Update the fund to the new year
  7. Click OK
  8. Click Save

Source: Engage

  1. Open Program Contributions Giving Unit Records
  2. Find the giving unit
  3. Click the Engage tab
  4. Click Change
  5. From the Engage navigation menu choose Scheduled Gifts
  6. Edit the gift(s) you found on the Recurring Contribution Listing report to use the new fund

Updating Engage Giving Sets

You may have one or more giving sets in Engage using the prior year's fund. You can move these gets to accept gifts to the new year's fund by following these steps:

  1. In CDM+* go to Program → Engage → Engage Settings or log into Engage as an administrator
  2. From the navigation menu choose Admin
  3. Click Giving Sets
  4. Review each set and replace the previous year's fund with the new year's fund

*Engage is available in CDM+ 12.1 and higher. 

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