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How to connect to additional accounts

If you work with multiple organizations using CDM+, such as a clustered parish or as a consultant/service organization, you can add multiple accounts to your CDM+ Desktop installation.

Obtain hosting credentials

You will need the hosting ID and password for each organization. This information was provided when you enrolled in your CDM+ plan or moved to CDM+ hosting.

If you need credentials, please contact our support team. If you are a named contact in our user database we will be happy to provide credentials. If you are not a named contact, please reach out to your organization administrator to obtain credentials.

Add credentials

  1. Open CDM+ but do not log in
  2. Go to File → Choose Database Server
  3. Click Add
  4. Select Use CDM+ Hosting
  5. Enter your hosting ID and password
  6. Click OK twice

Change databases

You can now change databases to move between different accounts.

If you move between a small number of databases, you might consider using multiple copies of CDM+.

Removing accounts

If you no longer want to see the databases for an account:

  1. Open CDM+ but do not log in
  2. Go to File → Choose Database Server
  3. Select the account to remove
  4. Click Delete
  5. Confirm the delete
  6. Click OK
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