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CDM+ 12.2 Changes for Traditional Plans

This document only applies to users with a traditional CDM+ plan:

  • Cloud

  • Budget

  • Basic

Not sure what plan you have? Check the Serialization tab of the About CDM+ window.

CDM+ 12.2 is slated for release in Fall 2024. This update brings a variety of enhancements throughout CDM+ and lays the groundwork for some exciting future developments for CDM+!

One of these important enhancements is support for the next generation of CDM+ hosting, offering improved speed and security. This change has specific impact on users on Traditional Plans. We’ve detailed the changes and answered some FAQs below.

What are the changes?

Data Hosting Requirement

As previously announced, self-hosted installations of CDM+ have reached the end of their life. CDM+ 12.2 and future versions will require CDM+ hosting, which is available at no extra charge with every CDM+ plan.

We’ve been working hard to contact all our self-hosted users to help them migrate to hosting. CDM+ hosting is secure, hassle-free, and has zero learning curve. As of October 2024 over 95% of CDM+ users use CDM+ hosting.

If you are not using CDM+ hosting you will be unable to update to CDM+ 12.2 or later.

Backups and Restores

The CDM+ hosting service manages 15 days of nightly backups for you, including redundant off-site backups. With CDM+ 12.1 and earlier, users on a traditional plan were able to make a backup file and save to their local file system. This backup file could be restored to a self-hosted installation of CDM+.

With the end of self-hosted installations it is no longer possible to restore this backup file outside of the CDM+ hosting environment. Therefore, CDM+ 12.2 removes the option for users to perform a backup and restore.

If you would like a copy of your data for retention purposes, you can request a Data Dump at any time.

If you would like a test copy of your data, please contact CDM+ support and we can setup that environment for you.

If you made a mistake and need to undo a change, please contact CDM+ support and we can help! Very often we can use the CDM+ audit log to undo a change without reverting to a whole backup.

Automatic Updates

CDM+ SAAS users, which includes nearly all new CDM+ clients since 2015, enjoy automatic updates to their CDM+ database(s). Updates are applied when a new version of CDM+ is released, ensuring everyone has the latest fixes and features and providing a consistent experience.

We’re excited to announce that with CDM+ 12.2, users enrolled in a traditional plan will also be automatically updated as new versions of CDM+ are released! After your database(s) are updated, CDM+ will prompt you to install an update to your computer the next time you open the program. Simply follow the prompts and you’ll be up and running with the latest version of CDM+.

If you don’t want to be automatically updated, please contact CDM+ support to be excluded from this feature. We strongly recommend all users take advantage of automatic updates, but some clients may have a restrictive IT environment that makes installing program updates a hassle on each workstation.

Please note—we may still require that you update to a specific version for ongoing compatibility. We will provide as much notification as possible if we need you to update your CDM+ database(s) to a new version.

SMTP Hosting

A future update to CDM+ 12.2 will only support sending emails through the SMTP Hosting service. This service is included with your plan at no additional cost and is the primary way most CDM+ users send emails from CDM+. If you are using a 3rd party SMTP server we will contact you to move to SMTP Hosting when the time comes.

Is CDM+ 12.2 Required?

CDM+ 12.2 will be required to calculate payroll and generate payroll and 1099 tax forms in 2025. For users with CDM+ Mobile and/or CDM+ Engage, CDM+ 12.2 will be required shortly after the general release.

Otherwise, no, you are not required to update to CDM+ 12.2. However, Suran only provides support for the last two major versions of CDM+. Once the next major version of CDM+ is released, likely in 2025, we will be unable to assist you with any issues using CDM+ until you update to CDM+ 12.2 or later.

How does this impact me?

For the vast majority of our clients, these changes won’t affect how you use CDM+, other than periodically being updated to a new version.

If you are self-hosted or use a 3rd party SMTP service, please reach out to us at your earliest convenience to ensure you remain compatible with CDM+.


Please contact our support team by clicking Contact Support on this page, emailing or calling 800-633-9581. We’d love to hear from you!

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