End of Life for Self-Hosted Installations of CDM+
The following information applies to Traditional Licenses. If you have a SAAS license (you purchased CDM+ in 2015 or later), the following article does not apply.
As of November 2023, 90% of CDM+ users enrolled in a plan host their CDM+ data through Suran's Data Hosting service. Data Hosting is convenient, secure, and included at no extra charge with every CDM+ Plan.
Future versions of CDM+ will rely on the benefits of hosting data in the cloud, including simplified program setup, managed updates, improved application functionality, and improvements to security and speed.
Today, November 13, 2023, we're announcing that CDM+ 12.1, scheduled for release in November 2023, will be the last major version of CDM+ that will support self-hosted data. Please review this post for more information and contact our sales team at sales@cdmplus.com or 877-891-4236 if you have questions about this change.
What does self-hosted mean?
Self-hosting means your CDM+ data resides on a computer that you your organization controls. This could be a laptop, desktop, or server computer.
How do I tell if I'm self-hosted?
Follow these simple steps to tell if you are self-hosted:
Open CDM+ but do not log in
Go File → Database Browser
On the left of the window, look for Suran Data Hosting Account
If you see Suran Data Hosting then you are connected to Data Hosting.
If you do not see Suran Data Hosting, then you are using self-hosting.

I'm self hosted—how do I move to Data Hosting?
Simply contact our support team to arrange the move to hosting using one of these options:
Email us at support@cdmplus.com
Call us at 800-633-9581
Moving to hosting is simple and often very quick, depending on the size of your database.
Suran's support team has been proactively contacting clients to help move them to hosting over the past few years. With this announcement, we will continue this initiative to help ensure everyone is aware of this change and can easily move to hosting before the next major version is released and requires hosting.
Is there a cost to move to Data Hosting?
Data Hosting is a part of every CDM+ Plan. There is no additional cost to host your data.
What are the requirements to move to Data Hosting?
Data Hosting requires an active Internet connection. Faster connections provide better experience using CDM+.
Is Data Hosting secure?
Yes. Please see Hosting Policies for additional information about the security, SLAs, and data durability of hosting.
If I move to Data Hosting can I still perform backups to my computer?
Under CDM+ 12.1.x, yes. Once you update to the next major version you will be unable to make a full database backup to keep offline. You may request a Data Dump instead.
Data Hosting manages nightly, redundant off-site backups for you.
I don't want to move to Data Hosting. What are my options?
You can continue to use CDM+ self-hosted as long as your operating system supports it. However, the following limitations will apply:
You will be unable to generate payroll or tax forms beginning in 2025
You will be unable to update to new versions of CDM+ after 12.1.x
Following our supported versions policy, once two major versions of CDM+ are released past 12.1, you will not be able to receive support for using CDM+
If I cancel my Data Hosting at some point will I be able to move to back to self-hosting?
As long as your database is on version 12.1 or earlier, you can request database backups that you can self-host upon cancelling your plan. Once you update to a newer major version, you can elect to receive a Data Dump upon cancelling your plan.
I don't have a good enough Internet connection to use Data Hosting. What are my options?
We're providing as much notice as possible for this hosting change to give you time to research available Internet options. You might consider a low-Earth orbit satellite Internet service or contact your local telecom provider to see what options are available. Data Hosting also allows connecting to CDM+ from any Internet-enable computer. While your organization's on-premise offices may not have sufficient Internet connectivity to use Data Hosting, you may be able to coordinate your work in CDM+ to occur from another location with viable Internet.