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CDM+ Traditional Plans

Traditional licenses are no longer available for purchase. Traditional plans are available for clients who previously purchased a traditional license.

What are the available plans?

  • Basic
  • Budget
  • Cloud

What do the plans cost and include?

Most plans have a base price that provides 1 program and 1 concurrent user license, then a separate price to add additional users, licenses, and organizations.

All pricing is listed monthly. Plans can be renewed monthly or annually. There is no discount for annual renewal. Multiply the monthly rate by 12 to calculate annual cost. 


Base Price (1 program, 1 user)

Per additional program$5$10$15
Per additional user$5$5$5
Per additional organization$15$15$15
Help Center Support(tick)(tick)(tick)
Email and Phone Support$125/instanceUnlimitedUnlimited
Mobile and Engage(error)(error)(tick)


Includes 1 hour per program per year

Additional programs can be purchased for $200/program regardless of the plan.

What are the available programs?

  • Membership/Attendance
  • Contributions
  • Accounting/Payroll
  • Event Registration
  • Roommate Facilities Manager
  • Check-In/Check-Out
  • Sales Orders
  • Regional
  • Essentials (limited version of Contributions and Event Registration)

How do user licenses work?

CDM+ Desktop uses a concurrent license model. You can install CDM+ on as many computers as you need, but only a certain number of users may use the program concurrently (unless you are on CDM+ Essentials or our unlimited Complete plan).

When the maximum number of users are logged in, the next login attempt will notify you that you’ve reached this maximum. Ask another client to log out or increase your licenses to bypass this message.

There is no limit to the number of Engage or CDM+ Mobile users, concurrent or otherwise.

How do per-user costs work?

  • There is no up-front cost for additional concurrent users.
  • For all plans each user is $5/month.
  • For those without any plan, user licenses can be purchased for a one-time charge of $60/license. There is no one-time charge to add a license if enrolled in any plan.
  • Licenses can be dropped and added at any time.
  • When enrolling in a new plan, licenses can be dropped but must be re-purchased at $60/license if you later drop your plan and want to re-add the licenses.

How do per-organization costs work?

Additional organization licenses are not available for the CDM+ Essentials and CDM+ Starter plans. Each organization must enroll in its own CDM+ plan.

Organizations with distinct Federal Employee ID Numbers (FEINs) that share administrative staff can enroll all organizations under a single plan. Examples of these organizations include:

  • A cluster of churches that share administrative staff
  • A church with attached childcare that has its own FEIN
  • An organization whose staff administer a separate foundation or ministry with their own FEIN

Each additional organization adds $15/month to their plan. All organizations have access to the full set of features and the programs owned by the parent. Each additional organization can have their own merchant account.

There is a maximum of $30/month for additional organizations (unless the additional organization adds its own merchant account; see below for How do additional merchant accounts work?):

  • 1 additional organization: $15/month
  • 2 additional organizations: $30/month
  • 3 additional organizations: $30/month
  • 4+ additional organizations: $30/month

How do additional merchant accounts work?

A separate merchant account for giving/payments can be added to an account for an additional $15/month. This will result in a separate/account database. There is no limit to the number of additional merchant accounts that can be added, and there is no limit to the $15/month cost for each organization.

The following combinations constitute one (1) merchant account:

  • Giving/Payments only
  • Payroll only
  • Giving/Payments + Payroll

It is advised to use a single merchant account and separate income using CDM+ Accounting instead of creating separate merchant accounts.

What are the transaction fees?

  • $0.30 per transaction plus 2.9% (Visa/MasterCard/Discover)
  • $0.30 per transaction plus 3.5% (American Express).
  • $0.30 per transaction plus 0.8% (eCheck/ACH)
  • $1.00 per batch plus $0.30 for each employee bank account (Payroll Direct Deposit)

Some clients may be eligible for special Flat ACH transaction fee pricing. Contact our sales team for more information.

Flat ACH pricing...
  • $0.50 per transaction plus 3.5% (Visa/MasterCard/DiscoverAmerican Express).
  • $0.50 per transaction (eCheck/ACH)
  • $1.00 per batch plus $0.30 for each employee bank account (Payroll Direct Deposit)

 Are there fees for Text Giving?

Carriers (AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon) require SMS messages like text giving to come from a registered sender. This registration process incurs additional fees, which are passed along to your organization.

Visit Text Giving Fees to learn more.

How are CDM+ plans billed?

You can enroll in monthly payments or annual renewals.

Monthly Auto-Pay

Monthly payments are withdrawn from your bank account by ACH (preferred) or paid via credit/debit card. Payments will continue until you notify us of your intent to cancel and the appropriate cancellation forms are received.

Annual Renewal

You pay once per year for your plan. Beginning 45 days before expiration, you will receive notices to renew your plan for the next year. If you do not renewal your plan, services provided by the plan will automatically terminate. If your data is hosted by Suran, you will to contact us to arrange transferring your data to an in-house server.

Is hosting required?

No, but all plans include hosting. Hosting is strongly recommended to provide universal access to your data and secure, off-site backups.

Data hosting will be required for major versions following CDM+ 12.1. Please read the End of Life for Self-Hosted Installations of CDM+ blog post for more information.

Am I required to be on a software plan?

Clients who generate payroll or 1099 tax forms are required to have an active plan. Any plan is will meet this requirement.

This requirement is similar to the previous requirement to have an active payroll support or premier support enrollment when calculating payroll. As before, there is a 30 day grace period after your plan lapses during which you can calculate payroll and access tax forms.

Once you exceed this grace period you can view existing payroll but will be unable to calculate new payroll or access any tax forms.

What if I want to transition to a different plan?

Simply contact sales to notify us you want to move to a different plan with your next renewal and we will move you to that plan. Your available features will update to match those of the new plan immediately.

You can only downgrade to a cheaper plan once every 3 months.

If you pay annually you will owe the pro-rated difference between the old and new plan. If you downgrade to a cheaper plan from a pre-paid plan there will be no refund.

How do I cancel my plan?

Contact CDM+ Sales to arrange cancellation. If we currently host your data will will make arrangements to transfer your data to an in-house server.

For annual plans there will be no refund issued upon cancellation. 

What is the cost to upgrade from an older version of CDM+?

If you are on a plan there is no cost. All plans include all software upgrades.

If you are not on a plan, you will need to enroll in one year of the basic plan to receive the update. This enrollment includes all benefits of basic, such as hosting. You will be able to upgrade CDM+ immediately upon enrollment.

The first year of basic must be paid up-front. You can then

  1. Continue to renew annually, or...
  2. Switch to monthly payments for auto-renewal, or...
  3. Elect to not renew your plan

You can also pay for one year of budget or cloud instead of basic and receive the upgrade.

If you want to pay monthly for budget or cloud, you can:

  • Pay for one year's worth of basic
  • This total will be pro-rated at the budget or cloud rate
  • Once the basic payment has been used, you will begin monthly payments on budget or cloud

For example, 2 programs and 1 user license is $15/month for basic and $60/month for cloud. To upgrade and go on monthly payments for cloud, you would:

  1. Pay $180 (12 month of basic)
  2. Wait 3 months ($180/$60 = 3)
  3. Pay $60/month beginning in the fourth month

What is the difference between support, training, and consulting?


Training is conduced online via screen-sharing or in-person and is usually arranged in advance to teach staff about the use of CDM+. Training teaches Suran's best practices for how to use our products, but can be adjusted to your specific needs. In short, training answers the question:

How do I perform this task?


Consulting is also conducted via screen-sharing or in person and is often project based. Consulting works directly with your specific situation and data by connecting you to CDM+ experts. These tasks can be small and simple, or large and complex. Consulting answers the request:

Help me achieve this result.


Support can answer the same questions as training and consulting, provided they are on a small scale. Support can also help explain certain program behavior, provide technical assistance with installations, troubleshoot bugs or in general assist you accomplish your work in our software. Support answers the following questions/requests:

How do I perform this task?

Help me achieve this result.

Why does the system behave this way?

What determines if support becomes training or consulting and is therefore billable?

Ultimately Suran's support technicians determine if a support instance should be classified as training or consulting based on the content and length of resolving the issue. However, there are a few guidelines we also follow:

  • Training is often explicitly arranged for new staff or product purchases and designated as "training" in advance

  • Large-scale assistance with Accounting or Payroll issues tend to because consulting, usually based on the scope of the work

  • Phone calls that exceed 30 minutes in length

As soon as a support technician determines an issue should be classified as consulting or training, we will communicate that designation to you to negotiate agreement of training/consulting and to arrange payment (including use of bundled training/consulting hours with your plan).

What complimentary training is available?

We offer complimentary training under three circumstances:

  • New plan enrollments

  • Adding a new program to your plan

  • New key staff

This training is offered in addition to the complimentary training included with your plan.

Training for Plan Enrollments

When you purchase CDM+, you are entitled to one hour of complimentary training per program. For example, a plan with Membership & Attendance, Contributions, and Accounting & Payroll would include 3 hours of complimentary training.

This training covers:

  • How to log in and navigate CDM+

  • How to locate your migrated data (if data was migrated)

  • Basic setup and usage on each program

  • How to obtain further help through the CDM+ Help Center, support, or additional training

Training for Added Programs

When you add a program or programs to your CDM+ enrollment, you are entitled to one hour of training per program.

This training covers:

  • Basic setup and usage on each program

  • How to obtain further help through the CDM+ Help Center, support, or additional training

Training for New Key Staff

When your organization has new staff who are primarily responsible for administering and using a program or programs in CDM+, we will provide up to 2 hours of training to help that staff person become familiar with CDM+.

This training applies to a single key staff person per program. Additional staff or volunteers should be trained by your organization or provided access to CDM+ support and training resources.

This training covers:

  • How to log in and navigate CDM+

  • How to locate your existing data

  • Basic usage on each program

  • How to obtain further help through the CDM+ Help Center, support, or additional training

How does per-instance support work?

For the Basic plan there is a charge for each support instance. A support instance is:

  • The first interaction with support relating to a specific issue
  • Any follow-up interactions required to resolve the issue

When you contact support you will be required to provide a payment method before working with a support technician. You will be billed once the issue is resolved. Consult the pricing table above for the per-instance support rate for your plan.

Credit or debit card payment is required for per-instance support.

Some issues are not billable, such as:

  • Connecting to your hosted data
  • Issues arising from a bug in the software

If you are self-hosted then issues connecting to your data ARE billable. This includes assistance transferring from hosting to a self-hosted instance.

Per-Instance support is ONLY available for the two most recent major CDM+ versions (e.g. 12.0.x and 11.2.x). Clients needing support on older version must purchase one year of basic support to upgrade to a supported version.

This purchase will include a support instance, excluding assistance connecting to a self-hosted instance of CDM+. There is no charge for assistance connecting to CDM+ Data Hosting.

Can I obtain support without a plan?

Yes, under the same per-instance rate and rules as the Basic plan.

Is the pricing the same for clients based outside the US?

Basic and Budget

The Basic and Budget plans for clients based outside the US include CDM+ Mobile and CDM+ Engage (note the limitations below on using Engage for non-US-based organizations).


The Cloud plan for non-US-based clients receives a $20/month discount that includes one or more of the following programs:

  • Contributions
  • Accounting & Payroll
  • Event Registration

This discount is provided for two reasons:

  1. Merchant accounts are not available for non-US-based organizations. As such, features for electronic giving/payments and payroll direct deposit are not available to non-US-based clients.
  2. CDM+ Payroll does not natively calculate non-US tax withholdings or produce non-US tax reporting. While it is possible to use CDM+ Payroll for income and withholdings for other regions, this requires manual work that is not required for US-based payroll.
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