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The Regional feature allows you to track and manage church records. This is an ideal option for denominational church offices.


Church Records

Church Records are located on the Regional program menu Program → Regional → Church Records. Like Address and Individual Records, Church Records have list, f...

Address Records in Regional

The Address Records window in CDM+ Regional includes a drop list labelled Church, located immediately below the list of related individuals. Opening the list...

Individual Records in Regional

Minister Check Box In the Information section on the Name tab of the Individual Records window, CDM+ Regional adds a check box that is labelled Minister. Whe...

Giving Unit Records in Regional

Giving Unit Records in CDM+ can be connected either to Church Records or Address Records. This allows judicatories to record contributions from congregations...

System Preferences in Regional

Church Preferences CDM+ Regional adds a Church section to the Membership and Attendance tab of System Preferences. On this section, you can change the name o...

Reports in Regional

Like CDM+ Membership, CDM+ Regional provides directories, exports, custom listings, labels, and notices for Church Records. In addition, though, CDM+ Regiona...

Denominational Customizations

CDM+ Regional has versions that have been customized for various denominational bodies. These include: Church of God (Cleveland) Christian Church (Disciples ...

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