Entering Memorial Gifts Given
There are two methods that can be used to enter Memorial Gifts given—through Batch Contributions Entry or the Memorial Gifts Given window. The first method requires that the CDM+ Contributions program is linked to the Memorial Gifts program. This will allow you to automatically create a Memorial Gift record at the time a contribution entry is made. If you don’t enable this link, you may still use Memorial Gifts, but will need to manually enter each Memorial Gift received (on the Memorial Gifts Given window) as well as make a contribution entry if you wish to credit the gift to a giving unit.
Activating the Memorial Gifts to Contributions Link
Select Contributions Setup from the Contributions menu. Click the button next to Enabled, under “Link to Memorial Gifts ...”. Click the Close button.
Entering Memorial Gifts from Batch Contributions
Once you link CDM+ Memorial Gifts on the Contributions Setup window, the Notes field on the Batch Contributions Entry window changes to Memorial/Note and displays a magnified document icon.
In the process of entering contributions, if the gift is a memorial, click on the magnified document icon. The Add Memorials window will open.
Click on the small List button to see a list of Memorial Gifts Designees already entered in CDM+. You may double-click on a person’s name to select them.
This donation is now linked to Memorial Gifts and the name of the designee appears on the Batch Contributions Entry window in the donation breakdown list.
Adding a new Designee
If you need to add a person to the list of Designees, you can do it one of two ways.
- Click on the small Add button. The Memorial Gift Designee window will open, (see below). Add the desired information.
- Type the person’s name in the Designee field on the Add Memorials window and press Enter. A window will pop up.
Click Yes. The Memorial Gift Designees Record window will open. Type the person’s name in the Last Name and First Name fields. Enter the Date and optional Date Note. Click either the In Memory of or In Honor of radio button. Type any optional Comments you wish to add.
Doing it this way, you may enter only the person’s name. If you want to add more information later, select Gift Designees Records from the Memorial Gifts menu.
Entering Memorial Gifts Not As Contributions
Select Gifts Given Records from the Memorial Gifts menu.
Click on the Add or Multi-Add button. Enter the Designee information, and select either “In Memory of” or “In Honor of.”
Click on the small List button to see a list of Memorial Gifts Designees already entered in CDM+. Click on a person’s name to select them. If you need to add a person to the list of Designees, please see thw section about for Adding a new Designee.
If the giver has an existing address record in CDM+, click the Select Address button. Find and select the appropriate address record from the pop-up window. Click OK. The name and address fields in the "Given By" section of the window will auto-fill. A check will also appear in the box next to “Link To Address Rec.” This will ensure that as the address record address changes, it will also be updated in the Memorial Giving. If you do not want to have the address automatically updated, you may uncheck the box.
In the Gift section of the window, enter the Date the gift was given, the Amount, and for what the gift is designated. Click Save.
Memorial gifts entered in this manner do NOT create contribution entries. If you wish for these gifts to be displayed on a member’s giving statement, you will need to also enter these as contributions. This method is best used for gifts given by persons who are not regular givers or do not want their gift recorded as a contribution.