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Icons are missing in CDM+ 12.0 or later


When running CDM+ 12.0 or later icons are missing in the program.


System Requirements

Ensure your computer meets the minimum system requirements for CDM+. If not, update your OS to a compatible version.

Windows Compatibility Mode

If you are running Windows, ensure your program is NOT running under a compatibility mode.

  1. Open the properties for CDM+.exe
  2. Switch to the Compatibility tab
  3. Ensure Compatibility mode is un-checked

If Compatibility mode is checked, un-check it, save, and re-open CDM+.

Contact Support

If the above solutions do not work, gather the following diagnostics.


  1. Open the application data folder:
    1. macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Suran/CDM+ 
    2. Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Suran\CDM+ 
  2. Open logs 
  3. Open iconsets (if there is no iconsets  folder, create one, open CDM+, then close it)
  4. Capture the iconsetlog.txt  file

System Version

  1. Download system_version.lbs 
  2. Open the application data folder:
    1. macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Suran/CDM+ 
    2. Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Suran\CDM+ 
  3. Open startup
  4. Move system_version.lbs  into startup 
  5. Open CDM+
  6. An OK message will appear that looks like the following screenshot:
  7. Take a screenshot of this message
  8. Click OK
  9. Close CDM+
  10. Remove the system_version.lbs  file

Contact Support

Email the following to

  • iconsetlog.txt
  • The system version screenshot
  • A screenshot of the missing icons in CDM+
  • A screenshot of your operating system version (About this Mac or About this PC)
  • A screenshot of the About CDM+ → System Information window from CDM+

Support will investigate the program and work to provide a solution.

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