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How to View Contributions for a Single Giving Unit

  1. To navigate to a Giving Unit Record, go to ProgramContributionsGiving Unit Records.


  2. After the Giving Unit Records window opens, setup a find to search for the giving unit you’re looking for and then click to highlight the record you need. If this giving unit has contributed, you will notice a Contributions jump button in the left sidebar. Click Contributions to view the giving unit’s contributions.


  3. From the Contribution Records window, you can now view the entire history of contributions (online and manual entry) for this Giving Unit.


Tip! You can configure the Contribution Records window to see the list of fields that are most helpful to you! Some helpful fields may be, Contribution Date, Deposit Date, Total Contribution Amount, Giving Unit Last Name, Giving Unit Salutation Name, and Entry Memo.

  1. If you click to highlight a specific contribution, you’ll be able to see the detail of that contribution at the bottom of the window.


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