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Activation FAQ

CDM+ 9.0 introduced an automated activation system. There are no complex activation codes to enter or website logins to remember. The activation system is fast, easy and secure. If you are connected to the Internet, CDM+ will connect to the activation server and verify your access to CDM+. This process is fast and requires no interaction on your part. If CDM+ cannot access the activation server (if, for example, you are not connected to the Internet), CDM+ will prompt for a short activation code. Contact CDM+ Customer Service (800-633-9581 Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Eastern time) to obtain an activation code.

When will CDM+ activate?

CDM+ performs an activation when you perform one of these actions:

  • Create a new database
  • Convert a database from an earlier version

Once CDM+ is activated you have full access to the current release of CDM+ and any maintenance updates. Major updates, such as moving from CDM+ 10.2 to CDM+ 11.0, will require re-activation.

What determines if I can activate CDM+?

Users enrolled in the CDM+ Premier Support program have access to the current version of CDM+. Users on certain versions may also be grandfathered into access to a specific update. Suran Systems, Inc. will contact you when a new, major update is released to inform you of your access to the new version.

What happens if I let my Premier Support expire?

As long as you activate CDM+ at least once before your support expires, you will be able to activate that version of CDM+ as long as you want, even if you let your Premier Support plan lapse. Upgrading to a major new release will require re-activation. You can then re-enroll in CDM+ Premier Support or purchase the upgrade for a fee. Contact CDM+ Sales for pricing.

What happens to my current data if I install a new version and I cannot activate it?

CDM+ activation occurs before any conversions, database server installations or other changes to your existing system. This means that if activation is not possible, your existing data is intact.

What's the purpose of activation?

The purpose of activating CDM+ is to ensure you have legitimate access to that version of CDM+. All major versions of CDM+ have featured some kind of activation, ranging from a user-specific activation code to requiring logging into a website to download CDM+. This new system is designed to make activation fast, easy and automatic. If you have comments, questions or concerns, please send them to

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