CDM+ 11.1.3
Released on December 10, 2020
Download links
Installation Steps
Step 1: Check system requirements
- macOS 10.13 High Sierra DEPRECATED
- macOS 10.14 Mojave SUPPORTED
- macOS 10.15 Catalina SUPPORTED
- macOS 11 Big Sur SUPPORTED
CDM+ 11.1 WILL NOT RUN on 32-bit Windows operating systems (x86). Ensure ALL clients that will run CDM+ 11.1 meet these system requirements.
- Windows 7 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows 8.1 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows 10 x64 SUPPORTED
- Windows Server 2008r2 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Server 2012 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Server 2016 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Sever 2019 x64 SUPPORTED
Deprecated Operating Systems
Operating systems marked as DEPRECATED will not be available in a future version of CDM+. Read more about CDM+ 12.0 Coming Fall 2021.
Step 2: Backup your data
Back up all databases that will be updated to the new version. If you subscribe to CDM+ SAAS or Data Hosting you can contact support to make a backup or simply rely on the nightly backup.
Step 3: Download the installer
Click the link above to download the installer for your platform.
Step 4: Install the new version
Follow the Installing CDM+ guide to install CDM+. This will remove previous versions of CDM+ from your computer.
Step 5: Update your database(s)
Open CDM+ and update your database(s) to the current version.
CDM+ 11.1 Highlights
Please see What's new in CDM+ 11.1.
Changed and removed features
Georgia State Income Tax Withholding
CDM+ 11.1 includes a correction tax calculations for Georgia State Income Tax. Previously the standard deduction was mis-calculated at $4,600.00 for the year for those filing as Married. CDM+ 11.1 uses the the correct deduction of $3,000.00 for the year for persons marked as Married Filing separate Return. These deductions are defined in Table E on page 42 of the Employer Tax Guide. Because of this mis-calculation, it's possible employee state income tax for 2020 has been under-withheld. We recommend review YTD withholdings and, where necessary, add additional state tax withholding to catch up employees to avoid owing any state taxes when filing 2020 returns.
FTP Sync (Self-Hosted Clients)
The FTP sync feature has been removed from automatic backups for self-hosted clients. A file sync feature is not specific to Suran's software and can be accomplished using a number of 3rd party tools.
Multiple Credits and Debits to the Same Asset on a Single Ledger Entry
In CDM+ 11.1, all credits and debits to assets with the same account number are combined into a single item on the bank reconciliation. This behavior has been present in previous releases for Advanced Fund Accounting, but is now present for all clients regardless of the Advanced Fund Accounting setting. This change allows the Bank Reconciliation window to function predictably when multiple asset accounts share the same number and Advanced Fund Accounting is not enabled—a rare, but legitimate configuration.
This change assumes a ledger entry represents at most a single financial transaction per bank account. If you are accustomed to entering multiple deposits and withdrawals to and from a single bank account on a single ledger entry, CDM+ 11.1 will no longer allow you to clear that activity as independent debits and credits. Instead, enter a separate ledger entry for each financial transaction to your bank account. If you have routine bank activity you enter, such as 3rd party payroll, consider using Recurring Ledger Entries to optimize this process.
This change can also cause an undesired impact if you use the same account number on multiple assets to designate separate bank accounts in the chart of accounts. In this situation, re-number your chart of accounts to use a distinct account number for each asset representing a distinct bank account.
Issues resolved in CDM+ 11.1.3
- CDM-6080 Story - Only include the W-2 description in the AUF for pay items marked as allowance
- CDM-7857 Story - 1099-NEC
- CDM-8155 Story - Test notarized macOS forms viewer
- CDM-8254 Story - Clean newlines from vendors before generating 1099s
- CDM-7940 Bug - Processing a batch of deposits is slow
- CDM-8053 Bug - Unable to add interest to a bank reconciliation
- CDM-8112 Bug - Un-posting a deposit from deposit processing does not un-link from the original ledger entry
- CDM-8266 Bug - Un-processing a batch of deposits is slow
Accounts Payable
- CDM-8136 Bug - Source on Accounts Payable Invoice Records shows as an integer
- CDM-8279 Bug - Cannot leave the payee field blank on Accounts Payable Invoice Records
- CDM-8137 Bug - Notices under Administration doesn't auto-size correctly
- CDM-8240 Bug - Individual contact information is not preserved when transferring a visitor address record
- CDM-8210 Story - Standardize backup paths to match the platform
COG Voting
- CDM-8052 Bug - Deleting an individual doesn't clear related vote candidates
- CDM-8063 Bug - The button to clear a ballot has incorrect text
Change Sets
- CDM-8104 Story - Allow filtering changesets by type on the Processing Window
- CDM-8107 Story - Add the ability for a login user to subscribe to email notifications for changesets via type
- CDM-8269 Story - Display the changeset type
- CDM-7821 Bug - Daily Contribution Breakdown report prints an event breakdown and total breakdown when there is only one event
- CDM-8278 Bug - Merging giving units does not preserve the donor email
DOC Ministers
- CDM-8283 Bug - Cannot process a minister whose Standing Code is 'C'
- CDM-8293 Bug - Printing Minister Profile from Record Frame print button causes a SQL error
DOC Ministers (General)
- CDM-8163 Bug - Typo on DOC General Process Ministerial Changes
- CDM-8200 Bug - Secondary Region of Oversight is editable in view mode
- CDM-8201 Bug - Secondary region of oversight can allow choosing the primary region of oversight
- CDM-8202 Bug - Setting a primary region of oversight does not clear it as a secondary region
- CDM-8294 Bug - Sending an email after processing any changeset that isn't 'Ministerial' type results in an error
- CDM-8088 Story - Add calendar button to the Paid date column on the DOC Minister Background tab
- CDM-8091 Story - Clear and disable Has Standing when a minister has no order of ministry
- CDM-8105 Story - Default the country to USA for new minister records
- CDM-8175 Story - Display the region that submitted the changeset in Process Ministerial Changes
- CDM-8198 Story - Rename region fields for DOC General
- CDM-8199 Story - Use the same list of regions for Primary and Secondary Region of Oversight
DOC Ministers (Regional)
- CDM-8085 Bug - Missing colons on labels on the DOC tab of Regional Minister Records
- CDM-8092 Bug - The list of Regions should be sorted alphabetically when selecting an undercare region
- CDM-8312 Bug - Dialog window warning that notes are required for submitting a New Minister saying 'submitting this regional directive' rather than 'submitting this New Minister'
- CDM-8082 Story - Require certain fields when submitting a Regional Directive
- CDM-8086 Story - Disable the button to submit changes to DOC General when in change mode
- CDM-8116 Story - Require changeset submission notes for Regional Directives and New Ministers
- CDM-8192 Story - Ability to submit a new minister
DOC Regional Ministry Positions
- CDM-8076 Bug - The 'Congregation Suggested' report is not showing the congregational names
- CDM-8097 Bug - Ministry Position Email Notice will send to all members even though a specified search was provided
DOC Yearbook
- CDM-8143 Bug - The fields are not wide enough under the Ranking tab of the Yearbook tab in Church Records
Error Reporting
- CDM-8045 Bug - Sending feedback causes errors
- CDM-8102 Story - CDM+ and SUF icons are not consistent with the new rounded square icon format
- CDM-8117 Bug - Generating a Quarterly Comparison report using standard and advanced find throws a SQL error
Master Coding System
- CDM-8133 Bug - Deleting a code from the Master Coding System doesn't prompt to save
- CDM-8164 Bug - Typo transferring individual credentials
Mobile Provisioning
- CDM-8255 Bug - Error when creating provision with double quote in description
- CDM-8270 Story - transfer url should include provision
- CDM-8291 Story - Allow setting a slug for databases without membership
- CDM-8131 Bug - Changes to Notice Categories do not refresh the Notice Browser
- CDM-8132 Bug - Closing the notice browser clears the selected notice
- CDM-8101 Bug - Cannot open any Record or Report Frame windows when running CDM+ 11.1 on beta 10 of macOS Big Sur
- CDM-8016 Story - Update to Omnis 10.1 27575
- CDM-8239 Bug - Validating routing numbers for Employee accounts can cause a SQL error
- CDM-8271 Story - Allow printing auto-draw checks without using Payroll Direct Deposit
- CDM-8272 Bug - Reformatting phone numbers doesn't redraw record frames
Search and Call
- CDM-8249 Bug - Training details not printing on the minister profile report
Setup Assistant
- CDM-8273 Bug - Opening CDM+ with no local server or settings file generates an error
Stewardship Technology
- CDM-8174 Story - Add fail fast if donor_guid is null to return a null donor to failed transaction notification
Suran Omnis Framework
- CDM-8261 Bug - Logging out of the program with unsaved changes on a window leaves the window open after logging out
- CDM-8246 Story - Add logging when the server object is unable to connect
- CDM-8248 Story - Enhance creating aggregates to drop the aggregate first if it exists
- CDM-8281 Story - Display a list of local IP addresses on the About window
- CDM-8311 Story - Add a Redraw menu to refresh windows that don't redraw properly on Big Sur
- CDM-8219 Bug - Unchecking the option "user can update CDM+" does not prevent the pop-up message to update
- CDM-8301 Bug - The Method Profiler doesn't log SQL execution time