CDM+ 11.1.0
Released on October 27, 2020
Download links
Installation Steps
Step 1: Check system requirements
- macOS 10.13 High Sierra DEPRECATED
- macOS 10.14 Mojave SUPPORTED
- macOS 10.15 Catalina SUPPORTED
- macOS 11 Big Sur SUPPORTED
CDM+ 11.1 WILL NOT RUN on 32-bit Windows operating systems (x86). Ensure ALL clients that will run CDM+ 11.1 meet these system requirements.
- Windows 7 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows 8.1 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows 10 x64 SUPPORTED
- Windows Server 2008r2 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Server 2012 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Server 2016 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Sever 2019 x64 SUPPORTED
Deprecated Operating Systems
Operating systems marked as DEPRECATED will not be available in a future version of CDM+. Read more about CDM+ 12.0 Coming Fall 2021.
Step 2: Backup your data
Back up all databases that will be updated to the new version. If you subscribe to CDM+ SAAS or Data Hosting you can contact support to make a backup or simply rely on the nightly backup.
Step 3: Download the installer
Click the link above to download the installer for your platform.
Step 4: Install the new version
Follow the Installing CDM+ guide to install CDM+. This will remove previous versions of CDM+ from your computer.
Step 5: Update your database(s)
Open CDM+ and update your database(s) to the current version.
CDM+ 11.1 Highlights
Please see What's new in CDM+ 11.1.
Changed and removed features
Georgia State Income Tax Withholding
CDM+ 11.1 includes a correction tax calculations for Georgia State Income Tax. Previously the standard deduction was mis-calculated at $4,600.00 for the year for those filing as Married. CDM+ 11.1 uses the the correct deduction of $3,000.00 for the year for persons marked as Married Filing separate Return. These deductions are defined in Table E on page 42 of the Employer Tax Guide. Because of this mis-calculation, it's possible employee state income tax for 2020 has been under-withheld. We recommend review YTD withholdings and, where necessary, add additional state tax withholding to catch up employees to avoid owing any state taxes when filing 2020 returns.
FTP Sync (Self-Hosted Clients)
The FTP sync feature has been removed from automatic backups for self-hosted clients. A file sync feature is not specific to Suran's software and can be accomplished using a number of 3rd party tools.
Multiple Credits and Debits to the Same Asset on a Single Ledger Entry
In CDM+ 11.1, all credits and debits to assets with the same account number are combined into a single item on the bank reconciliation. This behavior has been present in previous releases for Advanced Fund Accounting, but is now present for all clients regardless of the Advanced Fund Accounting setting. This change allows the Bank Reconciliation window to function predictably when multiple asset accounts share the same number and Advanced Fund Accounting is not enabled—a rare, but legitimate configuration.
This change assumes a ledger entry represents at most a single financial transaction per bank account. If you are accustomed to entering multiple deposits and withdrawals to and from a single bank account on a single ledger entry, CDM+ 11.1 will no longer allow you to clear that activity as independent debits and credits. Instead, enter a separate ledger entry for each financial transaction to your bank account. If you have routine bank activity you enter, such as 3rd party payroll, consider using Recurring Ledger Entries to optimize this process.
This change can also cause an undesired impact if you use the same account number on multiple assets to designate separate bank accounts in the chart of accounts. In this situation, re-number your chart of accounts to use a distinct account number for each asset representing a distinct bank account.
Issues resolved in CDM+ 11.1.0
- CDM-7274 Bug - Validation for invalid pay period ranges isn't showing
- CDM-7216 Story - When shift-clicking to expose Aatrix files, prompt for AEF or AUF
- CDM-7423 Story - Add a warning when generating W-2s on macOS
- CDM-7411 Bug - Error saving account balances when tabbing out of the grid
- CDM-7472 Bug - Income and Expense report shows too much detail
- CDM-7676 Bug - Income and expense fund balance validation refers to an insert on an update
- CDM-7680 Bug - Bank rec current balance including asset & income accounts
- CDM-7691 Bug - Interest and charges grids are too short on Bank Reconciliation
- CDM-7692 Bug - Deleting a ledger entry shows a false difference on the bank reconciliation
- CDM-7835 Bug - Running Monthly Comparison using an Advanced Search causing SQL Error
- CDM-7881 Bug - Deposit processing enables extra toolbar items when the database isn't configured
- CDM-7922 Bug - Changing the fee account on giving funds doesn't redraw Deposit Processing
- CDM-7938 Bug - Saving in the Bank Reconciliation window causes a SQL Error
- CDM-5928 Epic - Scanned Accounting Documents
- CDM-289 Story - Ability to mark a deposit as processed in Deposit Processing
- CDM-736 Story - Allow Access to Deposit Processing for Contributions-Only
- CDM-2184 Story - Ability to hide the dollar sign on the amount field on checks
- CDM-5333 Story - Add the ability to resize the upper right portion of the Deposit Processing window
- CDM-6398 Story - Add the option to continue working in Deposit Processing window after processing a deposit or group of deposits
- CDM-7579 Story - Ability to un-process a deposit from Deposit Processing
- CDM-7716 Story - Ability to re-print deposit processing reports
- CDM-7878 Story - Swap the Mark for Processing and Already Entered toolbar buttons
Accounts Payable
- CDM-7235 Bug - Cannot add payments to accrued invoices with payments
- CDM-7321 Bug - Payee field does not highlight in AP Invoices when using the Vendor select box
- CDM-7349 Bug - Marking negative invoices to pay does not distribute payment amounts correctly
- CDM-7528 Bug - Typo on Vendor find fields
- CDM-7555 Bug - Posting a check right after printing does not post if there is already a check waiting to post
- CDM-7668 Bug - Accounts Payable Posting report shows the incorrect posting date
- CDM-7743 Bug - Vendor Records- Invoice Tab- Descending order of dates does not work
- CDM-8044 Bug - Search on Accrual Date for AP Invoice throws a SQL error
- CDM-2759 Story - Ability to view invoices after they've been paid and posted
- CDM-4647 Story - Add Credit Card Company as a find field for Vendor Records
- CDM-7080 Story - Add a Source to accounts payable invoices
- CDM-7176 Story - Ability to enter staff email addresses for mobile receipts
- CDM-7317 Story - Add an account column to mark invoices to pay
- CDM-7318 Story - When posting credit card payments, prefix description lines with credit card vendor code
- CDM-7440 Story - Post auto-draw and credit card payments with their due date
- CDM-7858 Story - Revert CDM-7440
- CDM-7864 Story - Action to jump to invoices paid by credit card
Accounts Receivable
- CDM-7232 Bug - Attempting to generate AR Statements without any invoices will result in a warning about invalid dates
- CDM-7240 Bug - Tooltip for Customers button on Accounting toolbar says "StringTable.$gettext("TableNames.core_CustomerPlural")" instead of "Customers"
- CDM-7300 Bug - AR Aging report is not showing the right balance
- CDM-7480 Bug - Accounts Receivable Invoices window does not tab properly
- CDM-7531 Bug - AR invoice tabbing is off when in Change mode
- CDM-7600 Bug - Asset is skipped when entering Accounts Receivable Payments
- CDM-7608 Bug - AR balances showing incorrectly on Billing tab
- CDM-7609 Bug - Aging report showing incorrect balance
- CDM-7622 Bug - Saving an Accounts Receivable invoice doesn't update the balance in the Customer Records results list
- CDM-7624 Bug - Adding a duplicate individual under the Individuals tab of Customer Record causes SQL error
- CDM-7734 Bug - Customer lookup doesn't assume exact matches
- CDM-7742 Bug - Entering an invoice with a specific description deletes that line
- CDM-7748 Bug - Accounts Receivable Statements reports display an incorrect date range under the Summary category
- CDM-6819 Story - Enhance the Customer lookup smart field to use a "contains" based search
- CDM-7302 Story - Optimize updating and deleting AR invoices and payments
- CDM-7916 Story - Add FK validation for fapayment.fachartofacct_id
Activation and Serialization
- CDM-6006 Story - Port reactivation from Omnis to the database
- CDM-7990 Story - Serialize a user's Engage Plan
- CDM-7991 Story - Replace Online Giving serialization with Engage plan
- CDM-7992 Story - Replace Payroll Direct Deposit Serialization with Engage plan
- CDM-6824 Story - Add a "Date Last Sent" column in Administration -> Notices
- CDM-7262 Bug - Attendance records are not archived when archiving Visitor Address Records
- CDM-7904 Bug - Archiving in CDM+ produces an error
- CDM-7361 Bug - Attendance Summary does not load dates when using the Selected date option
- CDM-7387 Bug - Clicking the 'Setup Address and Individual in Membership' button causes SQL Error
- CDM-7793 Bug - Class Attendance isn't limiting by individual status
- CDM-8024 Bug - Transferring a Visitor Record to Membership causes error
- CDM-8127 Bug - Unable to backup databases
- CDM-7732 Bug - The logo isn't rotating daily
- CDM-7750 Bug - About CDM+ doesn't show the same logo as the Login window
- CDM-7491 Story - Standardize hardcoded URLs
- CDM-7630 Story - Add checksum identifiers to logos
- CDM-7719 Story - Log errors from the logo worker
COG Awards
- CDM-7825 Bug - Cannot edit award report's range after saving without adding a range
COG Regional
- CDM-7309 Bug - COG Church Directory - physical address not included
- CDM-7554 Bug - Embedding 'Church Records/Pastor Name' into Church Position Letter Notice causes multiple SQL Errors
- CDM-7728 Bug - Standard Seach by Group produces "No matching records found."
- CDM-7912 Bug - Church Position labels are pulling duplicate names
- CDM-7238 Story - Enhance COG posting routines with error handling
COG Voting
- CDM-8051 Bug - Working with the Candidates electronic voting window produces an error
Change Sets
- CDM-8031 Bug - Cannot copy text from Multiline Entry View Only component in Windows
- CDM-7082 Story - Allow copying notes from the changeset window
- CDM-7091 Story - Add the minister PIN and login email to changeset notifications
- CDM-7612 Story - Refresh Minister Record after processing changesets
Chart of Accounts
- CDM-7222 Bug - Cannot leave the sub-category blank on Chart of Accounts
Congregational Profile
- CDM-7272 Story - Change columns in sac.congregational_profile to be numbers if they hold large monetary values
- CDM-7637 Bug - Can't remove connection
- CDM-7644 Bug - Opening a Connection tab displays a message about fgWindowPreferences cannot contain a key with a period
- CDM-8043 Bug - Button to add connections is offscreen
- CDM-7874 Story - Prevent duplicate connections
- DW-280 Bug - Updating from 11.0.2 to 11.1 causes Pledge Custom Listing Report to show different list of Custom Sets
- CDM-5587 Bug - Amount entered on a contribution entry is not clearing after saving
- CDM-7156 Bug - Multiples of the same giving units are showing on Actual vs Pledge report
- CDM-7255 Bug - Batch Contribution Setup prompts you to save after warning you that you cannot save
- CDM-7355 Bug - New payment types in Batch Contributions do not get saved
- CDM-7369 Bug - Some contributions that were used to generate Canadian Receipts can be modified
- CDM-7451 Bug - Online Giving tab remains available even when user is disconnected from an individual record
- CDM-7460 Bug - Email Notes cannot be selected and used in Contributions Email Notice report
- CDM-7508 Bug - Actual vs. Pledge report double lines on composite
- CDM-7610 Bug - Contributions Records includes address and individual groups as result columns
- CDM-7673 Bug - Actual vs. Pledge by month does not generate a report
- CDM-7779 Bug - The note field on Contribution Records doesn't expand
- CDM-7812 Bug - Adding contributions does not populate giving history
- CDM-7819 Bug - Processing pending gift can duplicate line items in Deposit Processing
- CDM-7828 Bug - When adding an Address Record, giving unit does not keep the attach individuals when clicking save
- CDM-7855 Bug - Processing a guest gift creates a duplicate fgstewardshiptechnologiestransaction
- CDM-7875 Bug - Event data is not appearing on Contribution Records window
- CDM-7880 Bug - The right-most column of Pledge Records is cut off
- CDM-7915 Bug - Merging Giving Units can throw an error
- CDM-7923 Bug - Resizing Giving Funds doesn't re-position all controls
- CDM-7936 Bug - The tab order for Batch Contributions Entry takes you from Total field to the first breakdown amount field regardless of system or user preference set
- CDM-7956 Bug - Create a giving fund on the fly in Batch Contribution entry does not load the new giving fund in the drop list.
- CDM-7968 Bug - Giving history does not properly calculate totals when displaying the history detail
- CDM-7983 Bug - Contributions pane always displays Batch Code regardless of System Preferences
- CDM-8001 Bug - The red text at the bottom of contributions maintenance for a gift associated with a Canadian Receipt needs to be fixed
- CDM-8025 Bug - Online and text gift amounts should not be editable
- CDM-222 Story - Allow changing fields on Contributions posted to ledger entries in a closed period
- CDM-288 Story - Ability to delete a pending gift
- CDM-4706 Story - Allow creating individuals from Address Records for Contributions-only users
- CDM-6083 Story - Expose online transaction fees and net amount for online gifts
- CDM-6115 Story - Merge Giving Units
- CDM-7360 Story - Prevent Contributions that have been used to generate a Canadian Receipt from being transferred
- CDM-7410 Story - An error is thrown when updating the Church ID on a Contribution Entry that has been used to generate a Canadian Receipt
- CDM-7501 Story - Rename the Online Giving tab to Engage
- CDM-7576 Story - Process pending gifts in a transaction
- CDM-7577 Story - Enhance convert_pending_to_giving to avoid duplicate processing
- CDM-7685 Story - Move accounting reports to an Accounting parent menu for Engage without Accounting
- CDM-7813 Story - Enhance giving history integrity
- CDM-7890 Story - Prevent changing contributions posted through deposit processing
- CDM-7926 Story - Add a trigger to use the giving fund description when inserting if it is null
- DW-281 Story - Build Custom Receipt for Slavic Missionary Service
DOC Church
- CDM-7866 Bug - DMF Congregational History report produces inconsistent results
DOC Ministers
- CDM-7418 Bug - Cannot update 'Other Work Location' in DOC General database
- CDM-7575 Bug - Logging into DOC General Database causes error 'The module cannot be changed on Gender as it is in use'
- CDM-7615 Bug - Adding minister gives a message 'No Minister found with id of 0' when saving
- CDM-7619 Bug - Suffix is cut off on Minister Records
- CDM-7620 Bug - Tabbing is off on Minister Records
- CDM-7647 Bug - Individual jump button on Minister Association window is missing
- CDM-7663 Bug - Type field of the 'Scan Details' window in DOC General database does not have any options nor does it allow you to enter any to the list
- CDM-7837 Bug - DOC Profile under the Profile tab of DOC General database is showing side by side duplicate pages
- CDM-7844 Bug - Attempting to open a Profile from Minister records when a Profile is already opened and not saved produces an error
- CDM-7935 Bug - In DOC regional and general databases, the Process Ministerial Change or Submit Ministerial Change is not showing the Minister's name
- CDM-7998 Bug - Trying to resend a notice from Minister Records says user does not have access to this area
- CDM-8048 Bug - Submitting a directive to create a new minister with a death date throws an error when processing
- CDM-8054 Bug - Cannot enter a find for a Minister Profile without being in Change mode
- CDM-2695 Story - Ability to request transfer of oversight for a DOC minister
- CDM-3441 Story - Allow finding against DOC ethnic codes using a list
- CDM-5779 Story - Remove doc.minister.homephone
- CDM-5938 Story - Append comments when applying change sets to the history tab
- CDM-5940 Story - Add a death date to DOC minister records
- CDM-5949 Story - Manage credentials through the Order of Ministry
- CDM-5950 Story - Allow submitting a changeset for an un-linked minister
- CDM-6355 Story - Display all historical references on the reference tabs
- CDM-7345 Story - Expand the DOC Minister Gender field
- CDM-7346 Story - Remove the statistics report in DOC General
- CDM-7650 Story - The Minister Association field needs to be able to map the built in gender (M/F) of DOC Regional with the DOC General M/F
- CDM-7693 Story - The Death Date under DOC Minister tab needs to be rolled into the Death Date of Personal tab
- CDM-7848 Story - Constrain the 'Other Gender Description' field to a list of search fields in DOC General Only
- CDM-7869 Story - Track a paid date for background checks
DOC Ministers (General)
- CDM-8084 Bug - The full text for disabled radio buttons on the DOC Minister Records Credentials tab does not gray out
- CDM-8148 Bug - Unchecking 'Has Standing' under the Credentials tab of DOC General Minister records, is not giving the option to select 'Does not have access...' radio button
DOC Ministers (Regional)
- CDM-8157 Bug - Ministerial Changesets can display the wrong credential region
DOC Regional Ministry Positions
- CDM-7164 Bug - Individual Fields are not merging in Ministry Position Email report
- CDM-7221 Bug - The user is allowed to enter an email address for an Individual that has none in Committee Members
- CDM-7326 Bug - Ministry Position Sent Notice Records are not being created in DOC Regional
- CDM-7493 Bug - Ministry Position Records window is showing duplicate tabs
- CDM-7515 Bug - Notes field on Ministry Position Record window does not support command-x, command-c, or command-v
- CDM-7726 Bug - Program "hang" on double-clicking record in Ministry Position Records
- CDM-5951 Story - Add a church position to Ministry Positions records
- CDM-5952 Story - Button to create a minister from a ministry position
- CDM-7551 Story - Add a status of 'Extending a Call' to the Ministry Position Record Status field.
- CDM-7679 Story - Add new DOC Ministry Position Status of 'Extending a Call' to Ministry Position reports Standard Search
- CDM-7914 Story - When creating an individual from a ministry position assignment mark the individual as a minister
DOC Yearbook
- CDM-7843 Story - Disable audit logging on fmybstats
Data Import
- CDM-7152 Bug - Old Data Import not importing into GivingNote field
Database Browser
- CDM-7476 Bug - Only the first database server is edited when attempting to modify a Database Server setup in Choose Database Server
- CDM-7477 Bug - Cannot change a hosting database server setup to a local setup in Choose Database Server
- CDM-7243 Story - Enable multi-select in the "Choose Database Server" window
- CDM-7652 Story - Enhance hosting.synctosstreconciliationjob
Database Integrity
- CDM-7495 Story - Add a cascading delete on fmindividual for engage.pending_sms_gift
- CDM-7838 Bug - CDM+ Demo reporting issue with a record limit of 50 in some table
Direct Deposit
- CDM-7149 Story - Display upcoming bank holidays on Direct Deposit Processing
- CDM-7370 Bug - donoremail on donor guid record is not updated when selecting primary email in engage
- CDM-7865 Bug - Users on build 9188 can't make gifts
- CDM-7392 Story - Don't allow engage.pending_sms_gift to have giving_fund_id of 0
- CDM-7393 Story - Add a cascade delete to fcgivingfund for engage.pending_sms_gift
- CDM-7412 Story - When creating an Engage account, allow sending the password reset email to your staff email address
- CDM-7500 Story - Include sms_giving_number when transferring or clearing engage credentials
- CDM-7502 Story - Add an Engage Access setting on Individuals
- CDM-7657 Story - Add the Administrator role to individuals linked to application users
- CDM-7730 Story - Add a function to get the API URL
- CDM-7731 Story - Update database function requests to API for managing logos in CDN
- CDM-7735 Story - Update database function requests to login_recovery_controller
Event Registration
- CDM-7402 Bug - Event Records window does not check for valid date/time ranges
- CDM-7994 Bug - Registration Entry does not respect individual address overrides
- DW-278 Bug - Printing from Advanced Find window with Email-all types as a column causes a SQL Error
- CDM-7223 Bug - Find field interface does not work
- CDM-7231 Bug - Saved searches do not load for Individual Custom Listing
- CDM-7276 Bug - Field search window fails to open regularly in Advanced Find window
- CDM-7347 Bug - The find list does not appear
- CDM-7348 Bug - In Advanced Find, selecting any user fields as a related record will always load the fields for the current record frame's user fields
- CDM-7598 Bug - Cannot open find window dropdown list in Church Position Email Notice
- CDM-7721 Bug - Cannot use arrow keys to move within the List Maintenance windows
- CDM-7836 Bug - macOS installers fail notarization
- CDM-8150 Bug - Upgrading a CDM+ 11.1 beta installation to beta 5 on Windows doesn't install PostgreSQL client utilities
- CDM-7226 Story - Branch 11.1
- CDM-7244 Story - Codesign our macOS deployment
- CDM-7589 Story - Remove logos from our installers
- CDM-7590 Story - Enhance the logo browser to manage logos from a git repo
- CDM-7591 Story - Push logos to our download site on commit
- CDM-7856 Story - Allow node through the firewall during install
- CDM-8011 Story - Revert bundled PostgreSQL utilities to version 10
Investor's Heritage
- CDM-7523 Story - Move the investors heritage mailing export server-side
- CDM-7159 Bug - Using Advanced Search only in Income and Expenditures report does not produce any results
- CDM-7213 Bug - Recurring Entries Posting Report Detail By Reference Number Report is only printing first Reference Number
- CDM-7217 Bug - Create Ledger Entry From Recurring does not match the order of the Recur Ledger Entry Setup
- CDM-7288 Bug - Bank Reconciliation window shows the wrong balance when there are multiple accounts with the same number
- CDM-7291 Bug - Ledger Entry Description in check writing appears on the expense acct but not the asset account
- CDM-7305 Bug - Opening Deposit Processing window causes SQL Error
- CDM-7331 Bug - Check Number incrementing unexpectedly when changing back to alpha characters
- CDM-7439 Bug - Saving changes in Ledger Entries excessively redraws line items
- CDM-7475 Bug - Ledger Entry amounts do not populate in the Bank Reconciliation window
- CDM-7479 Bug - Uncleared items on bank rec do not sort correctly after saving
- CDM-7536 Bug - Accounting Trial Balance report printed to Excel does not show Out of Balance notation
- CDM-7545 Bug - Fund Activity report printed to txt or Excel does not separate some columns
- CDM-7546 Bug - The beginning balance amount does not carry over when printing to Excel or txt
- CDM-7629 Bug - Unable to clear multiple lines on deposit with same asset account
- CDM-7633 Bug - Income and Expenditures report is paging by fund and by income or expense in Composite mode
- CDM-7669 Bug - Saving ledger entries is slow
- CDM-7873 Bug - Deposits are showing doubled lines for online gifts
- CDM-7913 Bug - Trial Balance Report not printing in entry order
- CDM-7977 Bug - Error when Deposit Processing window is opened with no Stewardship Credentials looks like it is overwriting something
- CDM-7655 Bug - Build 9157 does not show CDM+ image in login screen
- CDM-7746 Bug - Logos are not loading with the Login window, there is a delay in displaying the logos
- CDM-7786 Bug - CDM+ Won't connect to hosted accounts with certain characters in the password
- CDM-7585 Epic - Dynamic Logos
- CDM-1290 Story - Store the last used database based on the path to the current application
- CDM-3818 Story - Retain the last database used even if we cannot present a login screen
- CDM-7586 Story - Replace the CDM+ logo pane with an html control
- CDM-7587 Story - Relocate logos on disk
- CDM-7588 Story - Dynamically download logos
Master Coding System
- CDM-7085 Bug - Connection types don't show usage
- CDM-7113 Bug - The Phone Numbers/Email Addresses Report does not print to Excel
- CDM-7178 Bug - Advanced Search is providing different results between Individual Records window and Individual Custom Listing and Export Report
- CDM-7190 Bug - Visitation Records do not update to the new Address Record when an individual is moved from one Address Record to another
- CDM-7429 Bug - Age is calculating incorrectly on the Individual Directory
- CDM-7484 Bug - Pastoral records date
- CDM-7487 Bug - Phone numbers and email addresses do not print on labels or badges
- CDM-7489 Bug - Printing Individual Directory takes forever
- CDM-7623 Bug - When a user field is created on the fly, it is added to Master Coding System, but it does not display in window
- CDM-7653 Bug - Unable to remove individual from group
- CDM-7755 Bug - Address Directory lists alternate primary numbers
- CDM-7804 Bug - When working in Pastoral Records with a record you do not own, you can see the Access tab by setting it to open under Configuration
- CDM-7827 Bug - Individual Phones/Email Report prints individuals twice when searching on Church Position
- CDM-7833 Bug - Pastoral Custom Listing and Export gives an error when running specific setup
- CDM-7999 Bug - Change page orientation in Page Setup of Address Yearbook Directory causes an error
- CDM-8145 Bug - When clicking 'Set up Address and Individual in Membership', you get an error.
- CDM-7474 Story - Expose minimal Individual Records for Online Giving only
- CDM-7643 Story - Expose correct fields in the field manager on Address Records when Contributions-only
- CDM-7645 Story - Hide the notices tab on Address Records when Contributions-Only
Mobile Provisioning
- CDM-7482 Bug - Cannot provision a device for mobile receipts only
- CDM-7077 Story - Add the account number when selecting auto-draw assets for mobile receipts
- CDM-8010 Story - Include param to force redis invalidation when syncing mobile provisions
- CDM-4461 Bug - Logging in with toolbars, but having CDM in background will not show toolbars
- CDM-7408 Bug - Sending an email copied from Word produces malformed HTML
- CDM-7636 Bug - Pasting a Word document into Church Email Notice overwrites characters
- CDM-7678 Bug - When setting a Notice's access to Selected does not hold the choice
- CDM-7687 Bug - A 'Divide by Zero' error occurs when opening Document Info in a Notice
- CDM-7694 Bug - Select Notice window is not behaving as expected
- CDM-7695 Bug - Notice Access is grayed out after opening Select Notice window
- CDM-7722 Bug - The Database Fields on the Formatting Palette of Notices is extending off the right side of the palette window
- CDM-7898 Bug - Duplicating a notice does not clear its last sent date
- CDM-7901 Bug - Pasting a text and graphics from Word into Notices does not put graphics into Notice
- CDM-7970 Bug - The Formatting Palette is going beyond the macOS Dock even though the list of fields is short
- CDM-7971 Bug - Cannot delete emails after taking ownership
- CDM-8049 Bug - Cannot resend notices from a record frame unless the user has permission to print registrations
- CDM-8167 Bug - Address Email Notice does not hold the selection of addresses under the list in More Options
- CDM-1335 Story - Ability to add hyperlinks to text in notices
- CDM-4630 Story - Only store 4,000 characters of error text for sent notices
- CDM-5283 Story - Set the Sent Notices default sort to sent date descending
- CDM-6038 Story - Mark the initial SMTP server the default
- CDM-6527 Story - Expose the recipient for email sent notices on the Sent Notice tab
- CDM-6718 Story - Ability to delete notices en masse from the Notice Organizer
- CDM-6719 Story - Add a column showing last sent to the Notice Organizer
- CDM-6720 Story - Ability to search in the Notice Browser by description or subject (for emails)
- CDM-6721 Story - Show a padlock icon in the notice browser for notices that restrict access
- CDM-7074 Story - Change the add button text to "Add Category" on the notice organizer
- CDM-7552 Story - When duplicating a notice preserve the access and modify settings
- CDM-7638 Story - Don't prevent the user from leaving the font field on the notice palette when an invalid font is selected
- CDM-7648 Story - Add a blank alt tag to images in HTML emails
- CDM-7649 Story - Ability to set the alt text for an image in an HTML email
- CDM-7707 Story - When selecting multiple notices update the notice panel accordingly
- CDM-7708 Story - Auto-size notice categories
- CDM-7709 Story - Auto-size notices
- CDM-7711 Story - Ability to take notice ownership from the notice browser
- CDM-7712 Story - Display the owner on a notice's info panel
- CDM-7787 Story - Allow dragging multiple notices to a category
- CDM-8168 Story - Revert work on CDM-7826 in 11_1
- CDM-5450 Bug - Scrolling on a macOS computer is extremely sluggish
- CDM-3425 Story - Replace datafiles with sqlite databases
- CDM-7354 Story - Screen xcomp
- CDM-7560 Story - Update the serial number in our Omnis deployment
- CDM-7791 Story - Update Omnis to Studio101_26652
- CDM-6044 Bug - Oregon payroll taxes not calculating correctly.
- CDM-7241 Bug - Social Security number does not show correctly formatted in Employee Records window
- CDM-7251 Bug - Typo on payroll check selection window
- CDM-7278 Bug - Viewing Problematic Employees from Post Payroll window causes a SQL Error
- CDM-7365 Bug - SS Number and Employee ID radio buttons can be toggled when Payroll Setup is not in change mode
- CDM-7366 Bug - Pay Item Summary report does not print Employee names when Report Option is set to 'Page by Employee'
- CDM-7548 Bug - Adding pay item to setup automatically sets name/amt
- CDM-7583 Bug - ACH Direct Deposit does not print report
- CDM-7621 Bug - Payroll does not calculate Illinois state tax
- CDM-7631 Bug - Local Taxes are doubling the withholding amount for employees
- CDM-7879 Bug - Quarter selection is cut off on Payroll Tax Forms on Windows
- CDM-7902 Bug - Error when calculating GA state tax
- CDM-7929 Bug - Mississippi personal exemption does not consistently show for married employees
- CDM-7932 Bug - Changing an employee state to GA does not set the personal exemption correctly.
- CDM-7952 Bug - Pay items list has a visual artifact
- CDM-7954 Bug - Louisiana tax tables have a max of $99,999 for single and head of household
- CDM-7958 Bug - Attempt to assign a calculation to a field reference parameter error when calculating deductions based on hours
- CDM-7967 Bug - Indiana state withholding does not calculate
- CDM-8162 Bug - Unable to transmit payroll direct deposit
- CDM-1440 Story - Update Massachusetts payroll tax to correctly handle Head of Household filing status
- CDM-1446 Story - Expand the tax calculations to handle employee withholding codes for Connecticut
- CDM-1493 Story - Check for taxmanager updates when opening Deduction Setup
- CDM-2305 Story - Enhance the state withholding calculations for Illinois to handle the different types of allowances that Illinois allows
- CDM-2310 Story - Enhance the state withholding calculations for Indiana to handle the different types of allowances that Indiana allows
- CDM-2316 Story - Improve how Minnesota tax calculations use allowances
- CDM-2338 Story - Enhance Alabama State Withholding Calculations For Married Filing Single Status
- CDM-2340 Story - Create State Specific Tax Withholding Method For Utah
- CDM-3854 Story - Update tax calculations to use correct pay frequency factor for daily/misc income
- CDM-5116 Story - Allow rounding tax withholdings for selected states
- CDM-5167 Story - Enhance the Mississippi state tax calculations to handle Married Both Spouses Employed
- CDM-5168 Story - Implement Mississippi tax calculations correctly
- CDM-6075 Story - Enhance Colorado Tax Calculations to Limit the Number of Allowance Deductions an Employee Can Receive
- CDM-6184 Story - Enhance Marital Status Options for state specific calculations
- CDM-7281 Story - Merge CDM+ and DBPayroll Employee setup tabs
- CDM-7334 Story - Enhance Colorado tax calculations to support new calculation method for 2020 W-4
- CDM-7422 Story - Optimize setting up payroll direct deposit payments when preparing for transmit
- CDM-7516 Story - Prevent changing paid date on Payroll Records for posted direct deposit
- CDM-7698 Story - Change the payroll standard search to default to Paid Date
- CDM-7899 Story - Use a new tax table release URL
- CDM-7745 Bug - Searching using Phones - All Types (Church Phone Numbers) freezes the program
- CDM-8018 Bug - The contact number note field is labeled as Description
- CDM-7635 Bug - Retrieving an individual photo only gives the option to save as txt
- CDM-7375 Bug - Change Set icon in System Preferences of DOC General is not visible
- CDM-7801 Bug - When SST Recon Months is set to something other than 1, it will flash 1 and then change to the actual value
Record Frame
- CDM-7246 Bug - Nav buttons on tab bar do not have previous features.
- CDM-7257 Bug - Record frame windows can be resized in such a way that the find and results sections are not visible
- CDM-7261 Bug - Time-based smart-fields do not set values for columns on a record correctly
- CDM-7295 Bug - Text can get slightly cut off on the Event Records window
- CDM-7301 Bug - Column headers on the grid have formatting issues
- CDM-7486 Bug - Record Frame Sidebar will sometimes not load any options
- CDM-7563 Bug - Tab options open slower after Omnis 10.1 update
- CDM-7741 Bug - Clicking None on a record frame can cause hidden tabs to reappear
- CDM-7817 Bug - When deleting an Address record, group assignments and pledge detail information is showing blank whereas the other information has detail
- CDM-7353 Story - Optimize loading records
- CDM-7426 Story - Prevent de-selecting a record on a record frame
- CDM-7466 Story - Automatically expand the items that are listed on the Deletion complete window
- CDM-7920 Story - Add a user-friendly description for fgsentnoticelink when deleting records
- CDM-7388 Bug - Church fields merged into a Church Email notice does not display field contents
- CDM-7646 Bug - Church Status is not showing in the drop down menu
- CDM-8030 Bug - Clicking the 'Individuals' Go button in Church Records it brings up 'No matching records found'
Report Frame
- CDM-7293 Bug - Attendance Summary report says "No matching records found." when repeating the same advanced search multiple times
- CDM-7307 Bug - Format option on Custom Listing/Exports has a default tooltip
- CDM-7626 Bug - Birthdate by month report not pulling all records
- CDM-7681 Bug - Current Account Balances shows date in the search
- CDM-7776 Bug - Duplicating a name badge creates a second copy
- CDM-7789 Bug - Editing a static text field on a name badge is problematic
- CDM-7823 Bug - Collapsing the report sidebar when it has a vertical scrollbar does not properly resize the scrollbar
- CDM-7340 Bug - Extra effect appears on event banners
- CDM-7391 Bug - Banners for day-long events that recur daily are displayed like day-long events that last multiple days
- CDM-7468 Bug - Day-long, multi-day events that recur daily appear as one multi-day event
- CDM-7559 Bug - Events with multiple rooms show multiple times on the calendar
- CDM-7562 Bug - Adding a room from Event Information does not set the room's event properly
- CDM-7677 Bug - Roommate redraw is very noticeable; it progresses block by block, week by week.
- CDM-5954 Story - Update the icons on the Event Info tabs
- CDM-6750 Story - Add a button to add a new event on the Schedule
Sales Orders
- CDM-7245 Bug - User has access to Sales Orders from the Welcome to CDM+ window when they should not
- CDM-7749 Story - Allow a negative flat adjustment
Search and Call
- CDM-7143 Bug - The city and state for the church is printed on Minister Master Info report instead of minister city/state
- CDM-7822 Bug - Regional Minister's Worksheet is showing the congregations city/state rather than the minister's
- CDM-5939 Epic - 2019 DHM Enhancements
- CDM-353 Story - Ability to track a ministers with multiple regions of oversight
- CDM-1287 Story - Add a historical disclosure tab for ministers
- CDM-7220 Story - Change sync_minister_with_profile to only be for published profiles
- CDM-7488 Story - Add a cascading delete on sac2013.profile for sac2013.demographics
- CDM-7543 Story - Don't mark a minister as pending updates when automatically expiring a notice
- CDM-7989 Story - Add fail fasts to not send emails in notify minister functions if not production
Search and Call Regional
- CDM-7228 Bug - Individual name can be changed on the Ministry Position record Committee Members tab
Stewardship Technology
- CDM-7764 Bug - Stewardship payroll credentials are cut off for 9566
- CDM-7870 Bug - Fgstewardshiptechnologiestransaction records are not connecting to fcgivingdetail for recurring gifts
- CDM-1667 Story - Redesign the ACH processing for Treasurer Reports to fire after the treasurer reports are committed to the database
- CDM-7432 Story - Add cascading deletes to all tables that can connect to fgstewardshiptechnologiestransaction
- CDM-7433 Story - Add universal fk validation to fgstewardshiptechnologiestransaction
- CDM-7541 Story - Use two different asset accounts for SST for Contributions/Payroll
- CDM-7578 Story - Validate deposits match the amount from Stewardship when posting the ledger entry in Deposit Processing
- CDM-7618 Story - Revert CDM-7433 for Beta 1
- CDM-7725 Story - Add preference to set the maximum reconciliation month range for Deposit Processing
- CDM-7832 Story - Prevent sending recurring giving notices for databases on h7 & h21 if user id is not 9566
- CDM-7907 Story - Consider ACH transaction verified when status is scheduled
- CDM-7908 Story - Cache ResponseCodesSelect
- CDM-7910 Story - Optimize public.findgatewaycredentials
- CDM-7925 Story - Handle invalid XML in Stewardship responses
- CDM-7950 Story - Retry calls to sst.select_accounts
- CDM-8169 Story - Disable failed transaction notifications for 11_1
Suran Omnis Framework
- CDM-7740 Bug - Headed list boxes have extra blank space when not displaying Add, Delete, or Utility buttons
- CDM-7900 Bug - CDM+ can't access the field manager after migrating settings and updating
- CDM-8006 Bug - Error about a missing session object on a table class
- CDM-502 Story - When marking a database inactive, prevent users from re-connecting to it as the last database used
- CDM-7396 Story - Xcomp screen change notification
- CDM-7424 Story - Automatically record SQL logging when profiling methods
- CDM-7431 Story - Add a fail fast in getdescriptionfortable if there is no record with that fk
- CDM-7522 Story - Add a function to fetch a query results as a CSV
- CDM-7525 Story - Eliminate $runSQLFile
- CDM-7526 Story - Move backups server-side
- CDM-7542 Story - Migrate downloads to use OW3 workers
- CDM-7659 Story - Add a record tile smartfield
- CDM-7670 Story - Add a cast from int to int[] and numeric to numeric[]
- CDM-7700 Story - Merge columns on primary record when merging records
- CDM-7820 Story - Migrate code evaluating custom and sub-custom versions to use constants
- CDM-7921 Story - Allow copying text from OK and Yes/No messages
- CDM-7942 Story - Redirect manuals from the desktop apps to the help center
Suran Server
- CDM-7417 Story - Remove FTP Sync
Treasurer Reports
- CDM-1735 Story - Validate Treasurer Report breakdown matches remittance before making an ACH charge
- CDM-7225 Bug - CDM+ crashes when updating
- CDM-7316 Bug - Updating a 9.1r18 database to 11.1 produces an error
- CDM-7398 Bug - Reorganizing databases can throw an error due to old archive columns
- CDM-7605 Bug - Updating a 11.0.3 database to 11.1 hangs resetting customer balances
- CDM-7969 Bug - Updating to 11.1 can cause a SQL error
- CDM-8144 Bug - Error updating database to CDM+ 11.1.0
- CDM-6495 Story - Log command-line updates
- CDM-7703 Story - Activate when updating from the command line
- CDM-7987 Story - Add progress to migration 992
- CDM-8153 Story - Temporarily disable upgrading server on Windows for 11.1.0
User Customizations
- CDM-7763 Bug - Notes tab shows under 'Configuration' even though the permission is not set for the user
- CDM-7632 Story - Ensure all DonorWorks customizations are valid in CDM+
User Fields
- CDM-7180 Bug - When creating an advanced search for User Defined Fields, the resulting search on a window does not include the name of the field.
- CDM-7671 Bug - Sorts and totals that use user fields are not cleared once that field is deleted
- CDM-7351 Story - Ability to remove a locked userfield set from a record
- CDM-7254 Story - Hide the special function list when opening Utilities before logging in
- CDM-7511 Story - Hide the Reconcile Transactions (Demo) special function if not user 9566 or dev
- CDM-7860 Story - Add a special function to open the Trace Log
- CDM-7985 Story - Remove the Show Server Logs button from Utilities
Women's Reports
- CDM-7568 Bug - Clicking 'More Option' in Online Women's Report Notice Setup causes error