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Managing Online Giving

From time to time, a member may ask that someone in the office create a one-time or recurring gift to be drawn from their credit card or bank account. Authorized CDM+ users can access a member's Engage account to create and manage those gifts.

The Engage tab is only available to CDM+ users who have explicitly been granted permission to administer member giving. In order for a CDM+ user to administer online giving for giving units in the database, the user record must be connected to an Individual Record in the database.

See Setting Up Engage for instructions on how to grant this permission.

To access the Engage account through CDM+, go to Program → Membership → Individual Records. Scroll through the tabs and click on Engage.

The Engage page will be visible, same as if you had signed into Engage online. You can edit a recurring gift, manage payments, enter a new gift, or edit their profile.

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