Entering Invoices
- Select Accounts Payable from the Accounting menu and choose Invoices. Or, if you have the Accounting toolbar active, click on the AP Invoices icon (yellow pencil) on the left. The other Invoices icon (red pencil) links to the Accounts Receivable Invoices window.
- Click the Add button on the left sidebar of the window.
Click on the down arrow to select the desired Payee from the dropdown list of vendors or begin typing the vendor name and press Tab. CDM+ will autofill the information.
To create an invoice using a miscellaneous vendor, first setup at least one miscellaneous vendor. Then select a miscellaneous vendor from the Vendor drop list or type “Miscellaneous” in the Vendor field on the purchase order and press Tab. Click on the name/hand icon to open the Rename Vendor window and type the vendor information.
- To view a history list of payments to this vendor, click on the check mark icon.
Tab through the next four fields, entering the Total, Invoice Date, Due Date, and Invoice #, if applicable. Press Tab again. If any purchase orders to this payee exist, the Load Purchase Orders button will be active. Click on it to bring up a list of existing purchase orders.
If you are not using Purchase Orders, proceed to step 13.
Select the desired Purchase Order from the list and click Load. Make any necessary changes to the information and skip to step 13.
CDM+ maintains separately the information from the purchase order, invoice and payment functions. Therefore, you can see if the amount on the purchase order matches the invoice received and the amount that actually is paid.
- If you have not loaded information from a Purchase Order, you need to enter it now.
- If you have assigned a default expense Account number to this vendor, it will show in the Account field. If not, or if you need to change it from the default, click the hand icon beside the Account field and double-click on the Account number from which this invoice is to be paid.
- Press the Tab key and enter Description of invoice.
- Press the Tab key and enter an ID# if you wish to identify this invoice (e.g.—Each staff member could be assigned an ID#, and all their purchases could later be reported.)
- Press the Tab key and enter Amount of the invoice.
- If you want, you may break down the invoice to several line items. Line items may be assigned different expense account numbers within the same invoice. To enter more line items, press Tab and repeat step 10-13.
- When you are finished with this invoice, check that the Total field at the bottom agrees with the Total above (if it doesn't it will display in red) and press Return/Enter or click Save.