This section will show you how to create new users, customize your CDM+ preferences, and provide tips and tricks to manage your data.
About CDM+
Open the About CDM+ window to see your current version number and access supporting websites for the program. Under Mac OS X, the About CDM+ window can be ac...
File Menu Items
Under the File menu are several administrative tools designed to keep your copy of CDM+ and your data healthy and current. Many of these options will be disa...
Administration In Administration
Choose Administration from the File Menu or click the Users icon . On the Users tab of the Administration window, an administrator may create, edit and delet...
Administration Notices
An alternative to the Notice Browser, the Notices tab in Administration allows you to view, change ownership, and delete notices throughout CDM+. To delete a...
Data Dump
CDM+ provides numerous Custom Listing and Export reports to export data to CSV and other text file formats. But if you need a complete dump of your data, a D...