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CASS Certification

Why have your CDM+ addresses CASS certified by CDM+/Suran Systems, Inc.?

Because a CASS-certified mailing list will:

  • qualify for the lowest Discount Mail rates—Automation
  • have addresses consistent with USPS addressing standards, and
  • result in fewer undeliverable pieces.

NOTE: If you plan to have your CDM+ membership data BOTH CASS certified and NCOA processed, NCOA first. Then CASS certify the updated addresses after you process the results of the NCOA.

CASS certification is the process of comparing your addresses only (not names) against a database maintained by the U.S. Postal Service of all deliverable addresses in the U.S.

CASS certification will expire after 180 days and is REQUIRED if you mail at Automation rates (Standard or First Class).  Even if you don’t mail at Automation rates, you may still wish to have your addresses CASS-certified. Certifying addresses may result in mail being delivered faster and more accurately. CASS Certification DOES NOT meet the USPS Move Update requirement.

CASS certification service is provided by CDM+/Suran Systems, Inc. at no charge. 

Export Addresses for CASS Certification

The first step is to export addresses from CDM+ and send them to CDM+/Suran Systems. The simplest method is to have the file e-mailed directly from CDM+, or you can save the file and attach it to an e-mail using your own e-mail application.

Select Addresses Utilities from the CDM+ Membership menu (Program >Membership >Address Utilities)

Under the Options section on the right side of the Membershiop Utilities window that opens, check the Email File box to automatically e-mail the file to CDM+/Suran Systems. If you cannot send e-mail, uncheck the box next to Email File.

We recommend you check the box next to Print Info Sheet to print a report of the number of records and fields exported. If you checked the Email File box this report is automatically included with the file when e-mailed, so this report is for your records.

Under the File Delimiter section of the window, click the Tab radio button.

Click the Export Addresses button under CASS Certification in the top right corner of the window.

Note:  The default file name includes your unique CDM+ User ID number—please DO NOT CHANGE IT.

Save the file to your desktop or My Docs folder. (The file will be deleted after the e-mail is sent.)

When the export is complete the message below will appear. Click OK.

If you checked the Email File box, you will be prompted for your name, the church name, city & state and your e-mail address. Click OK.

Next you must select the destination for the Info Sheet report. If you are e-mailing your address file to CDM+ CASS services using your own e-mail program, choose either the Report File or PDF option. Click OK.

Change the default name from report.rep or report.pdf to a more specific name, such as FCCBigCityKY.rep or FCCBigcityKY.pdf. Choose where to save the report on your computer and click Save.

If you don't automatically e-mail the necessary files from CDM+, you will need to send the address .txt text file and Info Sheet to CDM+/Suran Systems, Inc. Uncheck the Email File box and then save the export .txt file to your desktop or another location you can easily find it to attach to an email. Attach both the .txt file and a PDF or .rep file of the Info Sheet to an e-mail message to Be sure to include in the body of the e-mail your first and last name, your church’s name and address, the e-mail address to which you want the certified file sent, and a daytime phone number.

Processing the Returned CASS File

Your processed address file will be returned from to the e-mail address you supplied within 1-3 business days.  Please make sure this address is in your e-mail address book or otherwise marked as "approved." Otherwise, the return e-mail might go to your junk mail or be blocked. When you get the e-mail, save the attached files to an easily found location such as your desktop or My Documents.  DO NOT open the Address file (.csv) or double click to save!  Please simply drag the file to your desktop or right click to save the file.  If the file is opened, it will not import properly.

The email will contain a .csv file that contains your certified addresses and 2 PDF documents—PS Form 3553 (which must be kept on file in case your Post Office has any questions) and a CASS Summary Report that includes a list of error codes that may be assigned to an address during the certification process. 

Select Addresses Utilities from the CDM+ Membership menu (Program >Membership >Address Utilities)

On the Membership Utilities window that opens, select Comma as the Field Delimiter in the Options section. 

Click the Import Addresses button under CASS Certification.

Browse to select the CASS addresses .csv file on your desktop.

The name of the CASS addresses .csv file will contain the date your CASS certification was done. Make sure you don't select the file you exported and e-mailed to Suran Systems!

Click Open and CDM+ will import the addresses.

Uncertified Addresses

CDM+ can print a report of addresses that could not be certified. Often, you can make a minor change that will cause an address to certify the next time. It might be a missing directional (E, W, N, S) or an apartment number. Consult the error codes in the CASS Summary PDF included with your certified addresses for help determining why an address could not be certified as entered.

Just because an address does not certify does not mean you can't include it in an Automation Rate Standard mailing. If you have at least 200 pieces that are certified, any non-certified pieces may be included in the same mailing at the higher non-automation postage rate.

WARNING! Making ANY change to a certified address in CDM+ will cause it to no longer be certified.

Frequency of CASS Certification

The U.S. Postal Service requires the CASS certification process to be done every 180 days in order to qualify for Automation postage rates. CDM+ Membership >Address Utilities shows the date your most recent CASS certification was performed and number of days until that certification expires. 

About Sorting Your Mail List and Adding Barcodes for Savings Through USPS 

Suran Systems can pre-sort your discount mailing for USPS and provide barcoded labels, envelopes or a mail-merge ready file. We will also supply the documentation the Postal Service requires with your discount mailing. This process is separate from NCOA and CASS.  

To create a Sortation Request, please see Discount Mailing.

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