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Pastoral Records

Privacy of Pastoral Records in CDM+ is password protected. User access is set on the Users pane of the Administration window, which is located on the File menu. For complete instructions, refer to the Users section in Administrative Tools.

Select Pastoral Records under Membership from the menu. Click the Add or Multi-Add button. If the Address Information showing is not the correct one, click on Select Address and choose the correct address.

If the Pastoral Records relates to only one person at this address, click on the down arrow beside the Individual Information field and make your selection from the list. If more than one member of this family was visited, leave this field blank. (Click on Clear if the field is not blank.)

Tab to place the cursor in the Date field. Enter the date. Tab to place the cursor in the Commentsfield. Type your notes. Click the Save button when you are finished.

Click the MapQuest button for a map or driving directions.

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