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A very popular and useful report, the Directory lists the results of a Standard Search, Advanced Find or Newsletter/Directory grouping (Address reports only) in an easy to read, numbered format: Name, Address, Phone. The report is also available to print the results of a Find from the Print button on the Address or Individual record window.

Choose the names and addresses to be included in your report on the Search tab. If you print this report often, consider creating a Saved Search to make this step as simple as a click or two each time you update the report. Searches are common throughout CDM+ and are covered in Advanced Find/Search.

On the Format tab, you can choose how names will appear, whether to include phone numbers, which if any address to include (primary, alternate, both or none), whether to include all phone numbers or all except unlisted numbers, header, footer, and alignment options, and more.

The Page Setup tab lets you customize where the text begins and ends on each sheet of paper. For letters, be sure to adjust the margins here to take into account the design of your organization's letterhead.

As you make changes, click the Refresh button to see a live preview of how your changes affect the appearance of your report. Here, we've changed the orientation to landscape in our Page Setup:

The Logo tab allows you to add a logo to the document, whether it's simply your main church logo, or something special for VBS, Youth Group activities, or other ministries.

The Text tab provides additional options for formatting information to be exported to a text file or copied to the clipboard.

The Load/Save tab lets you save the current format for future use, load an existing format to use again, or replace an existing format.

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