Adding Visitation Records and Reminders
Select Visitation Records from the Membership menu.
Choose Address and Individual
Click on Add or Multi-Add. The Select Address window will prompt you to choose the Address Record for this entry.
If this contact was with a single individual within the household, click on the down arrow beside the Individual Information field and select the individual from the list. If the contact was with more than one member of the family, you can leave this field blank. (Click on Clear if the field is not blank.)
Enter Information About the Contact
You can optionally enter any miles driven in the Mileage field and the number of contacts made in the Number field. Enter the Date of the contact.
Select the person or group from the Staff list that made this contact or that might be responsible for any follow-up contact. This is the list of Staff codes from the Master Coding System. You can also place your cursor in the box, type a portion of the Staff code, and press Tab to “auto-complete” the entry.
Select the type of contact made from the list in the Type field. This is the list of Visitation Call Typesfrom the Master Coding System. You can also type a portion of the item you want and press Tab to “auto-complete” the entry.
If you have not set up Visitation Call Types and Staff Codes in the Master Coding System, or if you want to add a new code, you can do it here. Just type the new code and press Tab. If you have permission to update the Master Coding System, the system will prompt you with a popup message, asking if you wish to add the new code. Click Yes and the new code is immediately added to the drop list.
Use the Comments field to enter any notes or other needed information about this contact.
Setting Reminders
If a follow-up contact is required, enter the Reminder Date and Time.
In the Reminder Memo field, enter the information that should appear on the Visitation Reminder.
Press Return/Enter or click the Save button to save the Visitation Record. Your user name will be set as the Owner of this Visitation Record, which appears immediately under the Individual Information.