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Engage Groups are available to anyone licensed for Membership and allow individuals to connect with fellow group members.

Group Types

Groups in Engage have either Private Access or Public Access. This access how members can see other members' profiles.

  • Public Group: anyone with an Engage account can view people in a public group. This is ideal for leaders who want to be reachable to everyone. NOTE: Anyone can create an account in your CDM+ Engage portal and thereby access information for people in a public group.
  • Private Group: members of a private group can see the profile for other members of that same group

Individuals marked Do Not Print will never appear in any group and cannot be access by other individuals through Engage.

Configure Groups

You can allow access for all groups in your database by checking Allow private access to all groups.

For more control over which groups appear in Engage and, by extension, which Individuals can view other individuals, un-check Allow access to all groups and instead enable selected groups.

  • Unselected Groups lists all the individual groups and codes in your CDM+ database
  • Selected Groups lists the groups that will be displayed in Engage

To allow access for that group in Engage, double-click the group name in the left-hand column. To remove access for a group, click on the group name in the right-hand column.

You can grant and remove access to entire Group Types at one time by double-clicking on the Group Type or Code name.

Organization-Wide Directory

Many organizations would like an online directory where nearly all members of the organization can view other members, but some members prefer to be excluded. To accomplish this:

  1. Create an Individual Group Type in the Master Coding System in CDM+ Desktop called Engage Online Directory
  2. Add a group to this type called Publish My Information
  3. Use Individual List Maintenance to assign all individuals to this group, then remove those who wish to be excluded
  4. Maintain this group when adding individuals

You can add and remove people from this group using CDM+ Mobile.


Be sure to save your changes when you are ready. Click Discard Changes to revert to the previously-saved changes.

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