CDM+ 9.1r8
Released on May 17, 2012
Download links
Installation Steps
Step 1: Check system requirements
Check the CDM+ System Requirements to ensure all computers that will run the version version meet system requirements. This is especially important when upgrading between major versions.
Step 2: Backup your data
Back up all databases that will be updated to the new version. If you subscribe to CDM+ SAAS or Data Hosting you can contact support to make a backup or simply rely on the nightly backup.
Step 3: Download the installer
Click the link above to download the installer for your platform.
Step 4: Install the new version
Follow the Installing CDM+ guide to install CDM+. This will remove previous versions of CDM+ from your computer.
Step 5: Update your database(s)
Open CDM+ and update your database(s) to the current version.
Issues resolved in CDM+ 9.1r8
- AP Reports will no longer continue if a begin date is not entered in
- AR Aging report will no longer mistakenly give Advanced find options on invoices
- Auto-draw entries from PR and AP were entering a '0' rather than leaving the field empty causing Check Listing report to combine entries by vendor.
- Check And Deposit tab, on ledger window, will now handle accounts greater than 4 digits
- Error 'Cannot Mark AP Entry as printed without an asset link.' when entering a check through the ledger that is tied to a vendor and advanced fund accounting is turned on.
- Error when they attempting to change the vendor name of a Vendor when items had been posted to that vendor via ledger checks.
- Fixed Error received when trying to close a year after adding a new account.
- Fixed Error when Double clicking on a payment item, to open ledger item, in Vendors
- Fixed reprint of auto draw checks from the ledger
- Full Account description, on related accounts, now updates properly when a Fund, Category, or Subcategory code/number is updated.
- New POs will now display in results list until window
- Newly created invoices will now display in results list.
- Optimized opening the AR Invoices report in a database with a large number of customers
- Quarterly Comparison report for user 1639 will now print the column headings properly and the buttons below the account listings are no longer hidden.
- The difference of Total Liabilities and Funds on the Account Balances report is now calculating properly.
- Archiving chart of accounts using a standard search will no longer produce an error
- When Running the Attendance History update if there was no attendance in the current giving period the message was that you needed to enter in a beginning date instead of warning you of no attenance.
- Automatic Backups can now be configured to backup to the root level of mapped drives under Windows
- Restoring a backup will now clear restore terminated connections that were in place at the time of backup.
- The automatic backup cleanup will no longer attempt to cleanup backups that did not succeed
- The Database Backup Log will now load data correctly
- Added Validation at Check In/Check Out self check on for valid event selected
COG Regional
- Church Award reports will now run without having to modify them first.
- COG Church Award report will no longer generate an error if no giving funds are selected.
- COG WR Post Income will now post to the correct income account
- Fixed Error when trying to recalc an award year
- Fixed Issue of New Ministers not being recognized by the validation on the Minister report window
- Fixed Issue where COG Award Calc clears out all award detail for all but the award you last calc'd.
- Fixed issue where Girls Club Award Calc was not totaling SMCH Giving
- Fixed Position foreign key not always being set on the church tab of the individual table.
- Girls Club Award Report on Contributions now has all Giving Areas
- Ledger Reference Number for COG Regional Post Income reports now displays the reference rather than 'N/A' .
- Optimize Award Calc for COG
- Optimize COG Award Reporting
- Tithe Average And Worship Average report not showing church name
COG Women's Ministries
- Added a database-level integrity check to prevent duplicate women's reports
- Added Women's report Points Award Report
- Church code now populates on Women's Reports submitted by the WR WMT
- Improved the reliability of selecting designations on Women's Reports
- Replaced references to "Giving Fund" on the Financial tab of Women's Reports with "Designation"
- Women's Reports submitted by the Women's Report WMT will now have a source of "WMT" instead of "Other".
- Added Test for valid Routing Number after check scanning and before saving it to the giving unit.
- Error when deleting a giving unit tied to a church
- Fixed an issue where entering data into certain combo boxes (such as giving funds on Contributions entry) and typing the full value would not hold.
- Fixed Creating a giving unit from the GU jump button of the Church Record, Caused the GU to be associated with an Address Record ID that was the same as the Church ID.
- Fixed Issue where Actual vs. Pledge report was not reporting all giving to date in Detail mode. It printed the composite report correctly.
- Giving Fund name changes do not cascade down to All Tables
- Goal Amount on Windows cutting off right side till window is resized
- Including individual names in the results list on Giving Unit information no longer produces error
- Sorting the giving statements using Discount Mail will now list chronologically within giving unit.
- The nightly recurring transaction import will no longer fail to import some transactions.
Data Import
- Importing *Groups, *OtherInformation and *OtherPhones for individuals will now link fmAddress_ID on the ancillary tables
DOC General
- Cover sheet for references and profiles printed from RegionalDatabase-level integrity check to ensure unique minister emails
- E-Mail address on Minister Master File in DOC General is now a scrolling single line entry to prevent trailing spaces in text
- Implement new disclosure form language
- Invite email will report any failure now
- Minister Statistics report will consider anyone with an Order of Minister beginning with OM as ordained
- Reference will automatically be set to complete when Signed
- Toggling the historical status on a reference now holds after saving
- Fixed error when sending an email out of contributions and including a staff member that is linked to an individual
- Resending email progress message will now show messages sent correctly. Messages sent will only reflect number being resent not original total messages
- When a new email notice is created, it now picks up the sender's name and address
Event Registration
- Event Registration Master list added sort by registration date
- Event Registration Social Security number now format as XXX-XX-XXX rather than XXX-XXX-XXXX.
- Fixed Error on Event registration report when trying to do an advanced find on registration information with a composite report
- When loading event notices the current event will no longer show as an option
- Removed extra error text on data integrity errors
- Sending feedbacks and error reports when connected to a hosted database will now be much faster
- User Management will once again correctly report users as logged in
- Windows Only issue: In Advanced Search window, when you tab to create a new line, the cursor will now move to the next line and not the And/Or drop down in the upper right.
- Periodical Mailing now sorting 3dg Schemes and SCF Properly
- A cleared photo in Address/Individual Records now delete upon saving.
- Address Yearbook: City, State and Zip field does not include the words "Alternate Address" for the Alternate city, state and zip like Address Lines 1 an 2.
- Exports will now refresh properly if using Advanced find only and a change is made the the search
- Individual Labels, one per household, will now sort by zip properly
- Individual Report Searches now have a include historical option
- Membership Defaults of city, state, etc are now automatically populating Address Records on regional program
- Transfer button on Visitor attendance will now be disabled if no record is selected
- Add a true "Employer Matching Deduction"
- Added Validation for employee routing number
- Adding a deduction to an existing payroll now saves the deduction
- Adding an account record to an employee during an add does not retain the account or routing number
- Changing an existing payroll and choosing to recalculate taxes will now recalculate percentage-based deductions that are calculated on hours
- Changing deductions and federal tax withheld on View Payroll and electing not to recalculate taxes will now save the changes to federal tax
- Cleaned up Employee divider on Calculate Hourly Payroll being off when list is resorted
- Contractual Payroll button on Payroll Launcher will now open the Calculate Contractual window
- Corrected the OR tax tables for larger pay rates.
- Deduction detail now has related record finds for Address Records
- Do method command without a valid method name After Calculating Contractual Payroll
- Employee info window/deduction tab, the wording "Employer Tax" changed to 'Employer Matching Deduction'
- Employee lists on Calculate payrolls does not adjust the Employee name column properly when resized
- Federal ID number appears to be modified in the setup window, but after closing the window and looking at fgSystem the number is not updated.
- Final Payroll posting report now shows the total Employer Portion of Tax line correctly.
- Fixed : Payrolls calc'd with a single pay item exempt from all deductions were still calculating deductions with an add on amount
- Fixed an issue where some windows would redraw excessively when saving.
- Fixed Sort buttons on hourly and contractual payroll lists
- Fixed Visual problem when calculating Regular payroll. Window will reset not reset after calculation
- ID tax table 4/20/2012 update
- If calculate a payroll then zero everything out and add a positive or negative amount under Deductions to adjust deductions for an employee, the program will take the deduction amount to 0.00 rather than hold the amount.
- Post payroll checks will now only show pay items that have a Paid Date and a Check Number instead of Check Number only
- Provide the ability to add missing deductions in View Payroll at $0.00
- Recalculating percentage-based deduction on View Payroll does now respects pay item exclusions
- Renaming a deduction will now cascade that change to employee setup and payroll.
- The Select Address window off Employee Information will now open more reliably
- Updating a payroll check number, in the ledger, will now update multiple pay items related to the ledger entry
- User cannot delete a deduction from and employee with unposted payrolls containing that deduction
- When you have Process Hourly checked in the Calculate Regular Payroll, the hourly window will now show the same pay period date
Record framework
- Enhance the record frame save
Regional (All Versions)
- Error in regional when trying to update an address record related to a Registration record that has a church link that no longer exists.
- Fixed Error when attempting to duplicate an event in roommate
- Room descriptions in Roommate now update on calendar when changed
- The blue 'i' under the Event Information window of Roommate is now showing who entered/modified and dates.
- Time formatting will now assume AM/PM display if 'Use 24 Clock' is not selected
- When Resource information is exploded the data is now displayed properly
- While adding Resources, room names did not populate or save successfully when adding a record but populated just fine when making a change to the record.
- Processing Deposits that include Clerk Reports or Womens Reports will no longer result in a SQL error.
- Recurring Gifts will now have a contribution type (if one has been configured on the options page for that tool.).
- COG Regions get an error on migration 225 when updating from 9.0r17 instead of a notice to upgrade to 9.1r6 first
- Fixed an error running migration 283 on non-COG Regional databases.
- Fixed an issue reorganizing older database manager versions