CDM+ 9.0r6
Released on January 05, 2011
Download links
Installation Steps
Step 1: Check system requirements
Check the CDM+ System Requirements to ensure all computers that will run the version version meet system requirements. This is especially important when upgrading between major versions.
Step 2: Backup your data
Back up all databases that will be updated to the new version. If you subscribe to CDM+ SAAS or Data Hosting you can contact support to make a backup or simply rely on the nightly backup.
Step 3: Download the installer
Click the link above to download the installer for your platform.
Step 4: Install the new version
Follow the Installing CDM+ guide to install CDM+. This will remove previous versions of CDM+ from your computer.
Step 5: Update your database(s)
Open CDM+ and update your database(s) to the current version.
Issues resolved in CDM+ 9.0r6
- (Bug Fix) The print button on the Deposit Precessing screen doesn't work.
Advanced Find
- (Bug Fix) Advanced Find is including extra search lines even after clearing all
- (Bug Fix) Attendance by Individual showing all e-mails for visitors
- (Bug Fix) Saved attendance searches not showing up after coverting from 8.X to 9.0
- (Bug Fix) File Selection Dialog when restoring backups refers to "CDM+ 8.2 Backups" as available files
COG Church
- (Bug Fix) COG treasurers: the amounts for the other funds are not being printed in the other column of the report
COG Regional
- (Bug Fix) COG Treasurer Reports Window, Church Version.: State and International amounts are backwards under Other Giving
- (Bug Fix) Batch Contributions Preferences override window refers to the wrong preferences window
- (Bug Fix) Giving Unit Notice reports: Full Giving Unit Name and Full Address Name fields do not populate
- (Bug Fix) Contributions posted to the ledger are not getting assigned the correct faledger_ID. This can cause problems when editing the contributions later on.
- (Bug Fix) Advanced find on Missing reports now use individual searches as in previous versions
- (Bug Fix) Converted 8.1 databases are not keeping the name of the database.
DOC General
- (Enhancement) Auto-expire notifications for Background Checks
Data Import
- (Bug Fix) Import utility tripping up on duplicate column names in the import file
- (Bug Fix) Number of emails being sent are now being updated.
- (Bug Fix) A periodical flat needs to follow the same 5-digit scheme sack sortation as any other flat
- (Bug Fix) Error When trying to save changes on NCOA Processing
- (Bug Fix) Improved the error message when selecting an invalid import file in the Import Address Records special function
- (Bug Fix) Individual Complex Grid on Address Records has resizable rows
- (Bug Fix) Individual Directory Detail Tracking. Term Dates will now show regardless if there is a position selected.
- (Bug Fix) Membership Default information like City, State, Zip, Mailing Code, Directory, Newsletter is not automatically populating when adding a new Address Record.
- (Bug Fix) Search On last Name in address records will also search on individual Last Name
Membership/Advanced Find
- (Bug Fix) Preview on the individual directory advanced find joins in fmIndvGroup which means the user see multiple results
- (Bug Fix) A failed import of tax tables does not produce an error in CDM+
- (Bug Fix) Attempting to make a change to a View Payroll items W-2 amount. The program will NOT save the changes.
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an internal, non-harmful error importing tax tables.
- (Bug Fix) Oregon State Tax not calculating
- (Bug Fix) Subsequent tax table imports fail
- (Bug Fix) W-2 not showing correct Fica/Medicare withheld for people that get paid out of multiple line items
Report Framework
- (Bug Fix) Report Windows not sizing down completely on 800x600
- (Bug Fix) Report settings are always saved on closing CDM+
- (Bug Fix) Sorting a custom listing by a number (0 dp) Other information field sort alphabetically instead of numerically
- (Enhancement) Don't perform a server version check for hosted users
- (Enhancement) Check for available network update before updating and fall back to web update
- (Enhancement) Prevent users from update the cluster on data hosting servers
- (Bug Fix) Fixed a SQL error running migration 107
- (Bug Fix) SQL errors connecting to an older 8.2 cluster are resolved