CDM+ 8.2r15
Released on November 09, 2010
Download links
Installation Steps
Step 1: Check system requirements
Check the CDM+ System Requirements to ensure all computers that will run the version version meet system requirements. This is especially important when upgrading between major versions.
Step 2: Backup your data
Back up all databases that will be updated to the new version. If you subscribe to CDM+ SAAS or Data Hosting you can contact support to make a backup or simply rely on the nightly backup.
Step 3: Download the installer
Click the link above to download the installer for your platform.
Step 4: Install the new version
Follow the Installing CDM+ guide to install CDM+. This will remove previous versions of CDM+ from your computer.
Step 5: Update your database(s)
Open CDM+ and update your database(s) to the current version.
Issues resolved in CDM+ 8.2r15
- (Enhancement) We should not allow partial payments that are unaccrued.
- (Bug Fix) After marking Deposits for processing, the window wasn't auto-advancing to next ready to mark item
- (Bug Fix) Entering an Invoice number that already has been paid is not giving a warning.
- (Bug Fix) Expenditures report Text Export missing tab between ref and date
- (Bug Fix) Finding on the account for bank reconciliations in advanced finds now works
- (Bug Fix) Fixed the alignment of the label for the Description field on the edit account window for Deposit Processing
- (Bug Fix) Improved tabbing on the Check tab of ledger entries.
- (Bug Fix) In AR payment window you cannot select someone off the list and it show up in Customer field
- (Bug Fix) In Accounts Receivable, Invoice Entry, it is possible to create a detail line without an account number
- (Bug Fix) Invoices page, terms line isn't refreshing, after a change in the customer file, without having to close and reopen the window
- (Bug Fix) Opening the Vendor List for a ledger entry with a vendor already selected will pre-select that vendor in the vendor list
- (Bug Fix) When doing a multi-add on payments in AR the asset & payment type should be the same on the subsequent entries.
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue with WNMAOG's Quarterly report.
Accounting/Report Framework
- (Bug Fix) Ledger Reports will now show last transaction date for informational purposes and default to last date used in search.
Advanced Find
- (Bug Fix) After adding a group to an advanced find, the initial search line can once again be removed.
- (Bug Fix) Finding on Event/Code/List for attendance will now display the correct operators and criteria.
- (Bug Fix) Fixed a problem where the advanced find would retain a boolean comparison incorrectly.
- (Bug Fix) Fixed a visual issue with expanding the advanced search.
- (Bug Fix) Loading a saved search, making changes and clicking OK will once again cause CDM+ to prompt you to save those changes to the saved search.
- (Bug Fix) Tabbing through all types of fields on the Advanced Find will now add new lines correctly.
- (Enhancement) Re-enabled the Archive Utility featuring a brand-new archiving engine focused on speed
- (Bug Fix) Standard searches will now display correctly on the Archive Utility under Windows
- (Bug Fix) Error When running Visitor Master Listing
- (Bug Fix) Visitor records Followup tab is not updated to reflect that a Visitor Letter was printed.
COG Regional
- (Bug Fix) Added a database migration to set missing information on treasurer's reports
- (Bug Fix) COG Attendance Breaker will now calc on Discipleship/Evangelism on campus
- (Bug Fix) COG Church Version When Prefs for TR Come Up On campus is selected but showing Event Selection of Codes
- (Bug Fix) COG MR Imported Add Cleared Date to window and Allow the reversing
- (Bug Fix) COG Minister's Directory gives error on Standard Report
- (Bug Fix) COG Preferences setup loading wrong code list choices in church version
- (Bug Fix) COG Regional. When trying to edit a Treasure Report receives the following. ERROR: null value in column "state" violates not-null constraint
- (Bug Fix) COG TR stats report detail is putting a "1" at the end of every worship number.
- (Bug Fix) COG TR Breaker Reports. Date entered should not be an option.
- (Bug Fix) COG Top List report not warning you if you do not put in a Limit top List figure
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where updating minster information in regional versions would cause a SQL error.
- (Bug Fix) Getting an error that the tithes and mission amounts do not equal state even though they do.
- (Bug Fix) Girls club report record frame retains last entry church address when adding a new record.
- (Bug Fix) On 'Add' Other tabs appear to be retaining settings until you tab through them
- (Bug Fix) TR Stats detail is putting the SS breaker '+' designation next to worship attendance
- (Bug Fix) syntax error when trying to find on year in Church Awards
COG Regional/DOC Regional
- (Bug Fix) Errors when trying to update individual records on regional program ie personal info
- (Bug Fix) Error on Check in Reports if Age is one of the fields on the report/Badge
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an error searching on check-in records.
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where duplicate fields on a check-in report would not print all fields.
- (Bug Fix) Omnis Error: 125282: Attempt to assign binary to character when using Reports with photo in CICO
- (Bug Fix) Individual photo on name badges/cico reports causing an error
- (Enhancement) Add Discount Mail Sort To Giving Receipts
- (Enhancement) Reports for pending gifts
- (Bug Fix) AR Reports Customer List When selecting show inactive none of the inactive show up.
- (Bug Fix) Adjusted the toolbar icon for Print on Deposit Processing and Process Pending Gifts
- (Bug Fix) Error when doing a Giving detail export and including 'Default Fund' in the export list
- (Bug Fix) Error when running Actual vs Pledge without a 'If Started by' date
- (Bug Fix) Giving Custom listing Remove Duplicates check box on the Report Tab removed because these features are dependent on selected fields
- (Bug Fix) Giving History View: the 'total giving' and other calculations in the Total selected are not Calculating the totals, etc properly.
- (Bug Fix) Giving Range Report - the Events checkbox - does not have ALL or CLEAR buttons.
- (Bug Fix) Giving Unit Directory: if you start with 'Active and Inactive Givers' and 'Receives and does not receive statement' selected, you will get no matching records. Change it to something else and back and it will work.
- (Bug Fix) If you attempt to print a giving statement for one giver that has an alphanumeric giver code will sometimes give No Matching results.
- (Bug Fix) In Giving Range report there is no way to delete a range.
- (Bug Fix) Transfer contributions, if Giving Unit list is used, it will not put in selected giving unit
Contributions/Record framework
- (Bug Fix) Cannot sort columns in the Recurring Gifts window that displays when you click the 'Load' button on Batch Contributions.
- (Bug Fix) error converting budget on some 8.0-8.2 conversions
DOC General
- (Bug Fix) DOC General Redraw issue on Minister Master File
Event Registration
- (Bug Fix) ERROR: column reference "dateentered" is ambiguous when you run an Activity custom Listing with multiple date entered's in the Column list.
- (Bug Fix) Error when Running a Registration Activity summary report
- (Bug Fix) Registration master list report advanced find reports were showing searches saved under the Registration payments report
- (Enhancement) New logging facility
- (Bug Fix) System Preferences > Sys. E-mail says "Manage SMTP Severs" than "Manage SMTP Servers"
- (Bug Fix) Copy to Clipboard from inv window runs Title into First Name
- (Bug Fix) Editing Phone numbers on individual Records changes the last number to be the same as the line you changed if you hit the 'Enter' Key instead of clicking 'Save'
- (Bug Fix) Error when adding an advanced search to Attendance reports
- (Bug Fix) Fixed a rare SQL error jumping to individuals from the individual list on Address Records
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue loading the Giving Units tab of Address Records.
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue searching on churches.
- (Bug Fix) Individua/Address Directory If you are on standard search and 'Use Advanced/Standard or both' is selected report will not sort by group and the heading will be the first item of the sort choice
- (Bug Fix) Individual names field not limiting for Advanced Search only
- (Bug Fix) Ink Jet Postcard 4-up is not printing 4 cards per page properly using Non-Enhanced version of CDM+.
- (Bug Fix) Last name find on Address record not including individual Last name in the search
- (Bug Fix) Printing Alternate Address labels uses the certified Primary Address Barcode
- (Bug Fix) Regional Error when trying to find on church info in Individual Directory
- (Bug Fix) Regionals. error when finding on church in an Individual Report Custom listing and using the same search on the individual window
- (Bug Fix) When trying to switch address in Individual record it says that you need to select and adress record when you just did
Membership/Advanced Find
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue finding on other information fields.
- (Bug Fix) When loading Saved find that has partial date fields the date fields are not displaying the date, but the search completes as if there are dates in the field.
- (Enhancement) Re-enabled spell checking
- (Bug Fix) 941: lines 12b & 12c don't work properly. If you put the number 1 in line 12b, it puts it in line 12c as well. If you try to correct line 12c to zero, it put zero in line 12b as well.
- (Bug Fix) Exempt from Pay Item - User Deduction is not showing the checkbox on the creation of a new employee.
- (Bug Fix) If you attempt to void multiple payroll entries in a PR period, it will only void one. Then if you select just one entry and void, it will void all entries in the PR period.
- (Bug Fix) On Write Payroll checks window the middle initial gets added each time you sort the list.
- (Bug Fix) Payroll checks do not print middle initial
- (Bug Fix) Schedule B of 941 does not reflect HIRE act liabilities
- (Bug Fix) Schedule B of 941 not printing correctly. Some figures only showing one digit after decimal. Also on form 941 on page 2, part 5, not showing title after info typed in.
- (Bug Fix) Taxable Income Detail report for State/Local. The detail lines do not show the proper total per emoployee. The bottom line total is correct. The Taxable Income Summary report is printing the right numbers.
- (Bug Fix) View Payroll window will not bring up the items related to a newly calculated payroll if the window is open during the calculation.
Payroll/Report Framework
- (Bug Fix) Employee middle initial is showing up twice on reports and not on checks
- (Bug Fix) Correct the spelling of "Stewardship Technology" on System Preferences
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue changing default paper sizes.
Record framework
- (Bug Fix) Calendar icon on Event Record window different than other record frame windows like Address Records.
- (Bug Fix) Fixed a visual issue on User Management.
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where adding an individual from Attendance entry would bring the Individual Records window to the front instead of the Select Address window
Report Framework
- (Bug Fix) Address record window is not keeping values. and not Displaying Giving units
- (Bug Fix) Report: Chart of Accounts upper search window is not displaying all information.
- (Bug Fix) Spell-checking will no longer flag all words as misspelled on Windows XP.
- (Bug Fix) Time Off Log Report does not show scroll bars when needed.
- (Bug Fix) Example formatting in Roommate preferences is now correct.
- (Bug Fix) Key presses on events on the event schedule will now work again.
- (Bug Fix) Corrected several misspellings of "Stewardship Technology" as "Stewardship Technologies"
Simple Find
- (Bug Fix) Dropping down the field list in a find and then typing to search will redraw the list correctly.