CDM+ 8.2r10
Released on May 25, 2010
Download links
Installation Steps
Step 1: Check system requirements
Check the CDM+ System Requirements to ensure all computers that will run the version version meet system requirements. This is especially important when upgrading between major versions.
Step 2: Backup your data
Back up all databases that will be updated to the new version. If you subscribe to CDM+ SAAS or Data Hosting you can contact support to make a backup or simply rely on the nightly backup.
Step 3: Download the installer
Click the link above to download the installer for your platform.
Step 4: Install the new version
Follow the Installing CDM+ guide to install CDM+. This will remove previous versions of CDM+ from your computer.
Step 5: Update your database(s)
Open CDM+ and update your database(s) to the current version.
Issues resolved in CDM+ 8.2r10
- (Enhancement) Optimized closing the year.
- (Enhancement) Optimized creating and editing balances
- (Bug Fix) AP Payments report ignores date range
- (Bug Fix) AP Payments report ignores the selected vendors
- (Bug Fix) Audit Trail Report not printing the Credit and Note columns properly.
- (Bug Fix) Bug opening the Balance Sheet report
- (Bug Fix) CDM+ appears to display duplicate ledger entries in Results list.
- (Bug Fix) Changing vendor account information through Invoice Vendor List (Change Name/Address window) does not save the Account Number.
- (Bug Fix) Clearing Posted AR payment on a Bank Rec produces error
- (Bug Fix) Copying the Bank Rec Report to clipboard replicates the reference number
- (Bug Fix) Create Recurring Ledger Entry window not respecting tree list selection
- (Bug Fix) Fix the Fund Activity report to remove a loophole where wrong data could be displayed
- (Bug Fix) Inconsistencies entering accounts under AFA
- (Bug Fix) Ledger entry with debit to expense and credit to liability. Change the amount to each and the change is doubled to the liability balance
- (Bug Fix) Program locks up when you select an entry with a 0.00 amount in Create Recurring Ledger window.
- (Bug Fix) Reference Number and Date Column merge when copying the Income Report to clipboard
- (Bug Fix) Revert 1099 to defaults, doesn't print unless you change bottom margin
- (Bug Fix) Unable to edit posted AR payment and add additional lines
- (Bug Fix) Vendor 1099 prints for all vendors when only one is selected
- (Bug Fix) When entering vendor in 8.2, you cannot enter any part of a name and the program find the vendor.
Advanced Find
- (Bug Fix) SQL Error could occur when previewing Advanced Find results.
- (Bug Fix) Standard Search for Giving in Archive is not finding the appropriate records
- (Addition) All Missing based Attendance reports are now available.
- (Bug Fix) Address not printing on non-enhanced visitor letters when One per household is selected
- (Bug Fix) Attendance Search is clearing out the standard search information every time you close the window.
- (Bug Fix) Inconsistent results on Visitor Master Listing
- (Bug Fix) SQL Error on Missing Analysis report attempting to find people who haven't attended at all since a given date.
- (Bug Fix) SQL Error on Visitor Letter Notices
- (Bug Fix) Security Issue on Visitor Records
- (Bug Fix) Visitor Master Listing report showing an individual from membership database that was never visitor
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an error loading attendance on the attendance entry windows
COG Regional
- (Bug Fix) COG Church Membership report showing decimals
- (Bug Fix) COG Girls Club Award totals not always calculating
- (Bug Fix) COG TR Over/Under Statments not Working
- (Bug Fix) Error changing file number on Treasurer's Report
- (Bug Fix) Individual Group Reports on Regional do not show a person unless there is a church link
- (Bug Fix) Printing Detailed Treasurer Reports from the Treasurer Reports window doesn't work
- (Bug Fix) Treasurer's Report Statistical Summary using 2 decimal places (more financial) rather than decimals more common for statistics data.
- (Bug Fix) Women's/Girls/Treasurers/Ministers/ under the reports most of the summaries do not have options for dates the screens are blank
COG Regional/DOC Regional
- (Bug Fix) Church name changes not cascading to related event records
COG Regional/Report Framework
- (Bug Fix) Error on Individual Export for COG Regional
- (Bug Fix) Treasurer's Report windows do not have any search criteria showing in the report frame
- (Enhancement) Process Pending Gifts will no longer create a batch.
- (Bug Fix) Actual vs. Pledge Report Due Date column does not print out a date formatted number. It is number string.
- (Bug Fix) Actual vs. Pledge Report should not be under the Print button on the contributions maintenance screen
- (Bug Fix) Address - Giving Unit: when assigning individuals to a giver code, it allows you to select but it does not save the changes.
- (Bug Fix) After creating recurring gifts the date range changes
- (Bug Fix) Changing a contribution's giving unit will cause the breakdowns to be doubled when saving changes.
- (Bug Fix) Deleting a contribution produces a SQL error
- (Bug Fix) Enable Check Scanner on Contribution Entry not allowing to be checked in view mode
- (Bug Fix) Entering an Income Account in Giving Fund Setup does not load account properly.
- (Bug Fix) Error in the Giving Custom Listing when sorting by ""Total Giving""
- (Bug Fix) Error opening Giving Unit List
- (Bug Fix) Error setting null value when printing Giving Receipts
- (Bug Fix) Error when entering Credit Card information into Batch Contributions window
- (Bug Fix) Giving Detail Report does not display note when Show Detail Notes is selected
- (Bug Fix) Giving Letter Notice Address/Salutation field prints Giving Unit/Salutation field.
- (Bug Fix) Giving Range isn't working
- (Bug Fix) Giving Unit Custom Listing does not display Address under column 1 when set to do so
- (Bug Fix) Hang changing a contribution
- (Bug Fix) Inconsistencies entering pledges and contributions
- (Bug Fix) Merge Giving Fund SF will now warn when changing ledger entries in a closed period
- (Bug Fix) Page by Record check box on Pledge Custom Listing report stays selected after you uncheck 'Pivot' box.
- (Bug Fix) Pledge Custom Listing report only gives those with a Pledge when 'Actual' and 'Those without a Pledge' are checked.
- (Bug Fix) Right-justify the second column on Giving Unit Information -> Giving History
- (Bug Fix) SQL Error running Create Batches special function
- (Bug Fix) Syntax error in Pledge Custom Listing Report
- (Bug Fix) Total Giving field does not merge information on Pledge Letter Notice when using the non-enhanced notices version of CDM+.
- (Bug Fix) When modifying Giving Unit Custom Listing set order, the report will show the order as correct on setup window, but the Modify window defaults to what it was previously.
- (Bug Fix) When changing a posted contribution's Giving Fund to one that is not tied to an Income Account, the program creates a new line item without an account in Ledger
Contributions/COG Regional
- (Bug Fix) COG Regional Giving Funds window does not display any columns.
- (Addition) Build the Statement Report for user 9566
- (Addition) Contribution and Pledge Summary Report for user 9566
- (Enhancement) CDM+ will now successful convert 8.1 databases that have a specific data issue.
- (Bug Fix) CDM+ 8.2 doesn't auto-detect the server IP from a CDM+ 8.1 installation
- (Bug Fix) Converting an 8.1 archive created a regular database in 8.2
- (Bug Fix) Converting from 8.1 to 8.2 does not update columns for custom listings and exports correctly
- (Bug Fix) Enabled a customization for user 10022
DOC Regional
- (Bug Fix) Year column in Congregation Record is not wide enough
- (Bug Fix) Error reorganizing fgStewardshipTechnologiesAccount
Event Registration
- (Enhancement) Cleaned up the internals of confirmation registration notices.
- (Bug Fix) ""Reset"" button in ER Notice will now allow an e-mail to be resent.
- (Bug Fix) Embedded fields in ER Notices have the wrong table and produce errors
- (Bug Fix) Error working in Registration Entry
- (Bug Fix) Registration Custom Listing producing error when including Other Information on this report.
- (Bug Fix) Text disappears in Event Registration Card Notices
- (Bug Fix) Total Registration on Event Records will now be correct.
- (Bug Fix) When updating the Email Address on a Registration Record, the notice will go to the old email address
Event Registration/Notices
- (Bug Fix) When Sending Email from ER, the notice is still marked pending without a sent date
- (Bug Fix) When sending ER Notices through the queue or the Notices tab, embedded fields don't get filled in
- (Enhancement) Database level safeguard to prevent inserting records with a 0 ID.
- (Enhancement) SQL Commands will set View-Only mode only if there are other users logged into the database, not merely connected to it.
- (Bug Fix) 10.4 Intel doesn't connect
- (Bug Fix) At Login, getting error that ""Do method command without valid method name.""
- (Bug Fix) Auto-shutdown not working
- (Bug Fix) Cannot see the Label icon under Membership tab of System Preferences.
- (Bug Fix) Changing databases will not update serialzation when viewed from Login window.
- (Bug Fix) Crash on Windows Server 2003 and XP when opening the User Preferences Window
- (Bug Fix) Crash when closing CDM+ on Windows XP
- (Bug Fix) Error changing the password
- (Bug Fix) Feedbacks Ending up in the Email Outbox
- (Bug Fix) Import Data omits the last line
- (Bug Fix) Saving Preferences does not save.
- (Enhancement) CDM+ will ensure that a problematic migration cancels an update to the database.
- (Bug Fix) The CDM+ template would not be updated in certain situations
- (Bug Fix) Current Address not detecting the correct address
- (Bug Fix) Error embedding certain fields in e-mail notices.
- (Bug Fix) Error when printing Individual Name Badges report.
- (Bug Fix) Error with Address Export ""function megetaddresscsz(fmvisitoraddress, hstore)""
- (Bug Fix) Individual Letter Notice: Individual Full Name does not merge when placed in a letter.
- (Bug Fix) Individual e-mail displays odd characters for quotation marks and apostrophes.
- (Bug Fix) Issues with Type on Phone/E-Mail Listing
- (Bug Fix) Join Date field is not broken down into Month field, Day field and Year field for searching purposes.
- (Bug Fix) Options on columns for custom listings and exports were not saving
- (Bug Fix) Printing both address and individual other phones of the same type on custom listings or exports produced an error
- (Bug Fix) Printing the individual custom listing or export in COG versions produced an error
- (Bug Fix) Report windows in Windows are opening with part of the Show Preview screen showing.
- (Bug Fix) The Individual Names field on address custom listings and exports did not work
- (Bug Fix) The program is not asking to replace an existing file with the same name when using the Address Export report.
- (Bug Fix) When adding a blank column with an apostrophe or space, CDM+ gives an error.
- (Bug Fix) When you enter a birth date and a death date, the Age is not properly calculating.
- (Bug Fix) Allowing access to Address Notes isn't saving
- (Bug Fix) Other Information Sets are not appearing correctly in report sets for user 5511
- (Bug Fix) Send Test button on Individual E-mail Notice is not sending a test e-mail.
- (Bug Fix) An error could occur sending e-mail through valid mail servers with an OS X suran server
- (Bug Fix) Deleting an SMTP server did not delete it
- (Bug Fix) Double-quotes in enhanced notices on Mac produce odd characters in e-mails
- (Bug Fix) Embedded fields with newlines not showing newlines in plaintext version of an e-mail
- (Bug Fix) Enhanced notices will not print other information fields that are not character
- (Bug Fix) Error sending individual e-mails
- (Bug Fix) SQL Error on Standard E-Mail Notices
- (Bug Fix) Send with other application not copying recipients
- (Bug Fix) When an error occurred connecting to the SMTP server, the sending e-mail window did not update to show it
- (Addition) Support for HIRE Act
- (Bug Fix) 941-B Report on Windows is showing unicode oddities
- (Bug Fix) Changing a Pre-Tax Deduction amount in View Payroll does not recalculate taxes properly.
- (Bug Fix) Deleting adjustments from Time Off doesn't reset the accumulated totals
- (Bug Fix) Enteredby_ID/Modifiedby_ID is getting set to n/a after a database reconnect.
- (Bug Fix) Error inserting a 941
Record framework
- (Bug Fix) Divide by zero error opening Individual Records
- (Bug Fix) Sent Notices tab missing on Addresses and Giving Units
- (Bug Fix) The results list allows the user to deselect all lines.
- (Bug Fix) Window Options in Advanced Find missing available columns
Report Framework
- (Bug Fix) Click report frame toolbar button to print to file, then cancel. Button stays disabled
- (Bug Fix) Default Report font size change is ineffective
- (Bug Fix) Exporting using a set from a Custom List with blanks data does not line up
- (Bug Fix) Initial run of reports are not respecting default font settings
- (Bug Fix) Partial dates show incorrectly on Custom Listings/Exports
- (Bug Fix) Report frame preview screen report can extend too far to the right
- (Bug Fix) Sorting Individual Custom Listing by birthdate isn't working.
- (Bug Fix) When dragging a report frame window, part of the Preview pane shows.
- (Bug Fix) When printing a PDF file with an existing file name, CDM+ is not asking to Replace Existing File.
- (Bug Fix) Default Locations not showing in window after saving the new resource.
- (Bug Fix) Default Locations tab does not properly add locations when clicking the 'Add Default Location' button.
- (Bug Fix) Error checking for conflicts to an event
- (Bug Fix) Filtering by department doesn't display any events
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an error in saving data in Roommate and Attendance
- (Bug Fix) Fixed an error working with resources on an Event.
- (Bug Fix) Roommate available resources are showing 0 quantity.
- (Bug Fix) Roommate reports missing departments and configurations
- (Bug Fix) The time in the Roommate toolbar 'Today's Events' is not a traditional time format
- (Bug Fix) User is getting kicked out of the program and receiving an error about Operation timed out.
- (Bug Fix) Error adjusting statistics preferences
- (Bug Fix) Error applying migration 63 on some databases.
- (Bug Fix) Minimum Version doesn't display on the Web Update window list