CDM+ 11.2.0
Released on July 12, 2021
Download links
Installation Steps
Step 1: Check system requirements
- macOS 10.13 High Sierra DEPRECATED
- macOS 10.14 Mojave SUPPORTED
- macOS 10.15 Catalina SUPPORTED
- macOS 11 Big Sur SUPPORTED
CDM+ 11.2 WILL NOT RUN on 32-bit Windows operating systems (x86). Ensure ALL clients that will run CDM+ 11.1 meet these system requirements.
- Windows 7 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows 8.1 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows 10 x64 SUPPORTED
- Windows Server 2008r2 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Server 2012 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Server 2016 x64 DEPRECATED
- Windows Sever 2019 x64 SUPPORTED
Deprecated Operating Systems
Operating systems marked as DEPRECATED will not be available in a future version of CDM+. Read more about CDM+ 12.0 Coming Fall 2021.
Step 2: Backup your data
Back up all databases that will be updated to the new version. If you subscribe to CDM+ SAAS or Data Hosting you can contact support to make a backup or simply rely on the nightly backup.
Step 3: Download the installer
Click the link above to download the installer for your platform.
Step 4: Install the new version
Follow the Installing CDM+ guide to install CDM+. This will remove previous versions of CDM+ from your computer.
Step 5: Update your database(s)
Open CDM+ and update your database(s) to the current version.
CDM+ 11.2 Highlights
CDM+ 11.2 is a minor update to CDM+ 11.1.
Please see What's New in CDM+ 11.2.
Issues resolved in CDM+ 11.2.0
- CDM-8277 Bug - No alert to unpost a deposit first from Bank Reconciliation before Unprocess Deposit
- CDM-8627 Bug - Ledger Activity Trial Balance Report displays "Out of Balance" flag when entry is not out of balance
- CDM-8635 Bug - When adding an account numbers like 8200.2 or 10009C, the system is not recognizing them as numbers so the Multiple Account Selection icon
- CDM-8636 Bug - Account description Bank Reconciliation Bank Charges and Interest is editable
- CDM-8637 Bug - Bank Charges don't use the available space
- CDM-6031 Story - Re-write the system for saving bank charges on the Bank Reconciliation window
- CDM-8581 Story - Update Jump To icon for Vendor Lookup
- CDM-8730 Story - Sort states by the state code on Payer Records
Accounts Payable
- CDM-8252 Bug - Changing the Vendor name causes error
Accounts Receivable
- CDM-8626 Bug - Entering a recurring customer invoice can fail to recognize the account number
- CDM-6739 Story - Engage tab on Customer Records
- CDM-8655 Story - Update trigger on fapayment to include endingdate in check for statement
Activation and Serialization
- CDM-8537 Story - Serialize the software plan
- CDM-8538 Story - Replace Engage Plan with Software plan
- CDM-8539 Story - Limit Individual and Giving Unit record counts based on plan
- CDM-8540 Story - Remove concurrent license check for Complete
- CDM-8569 Story - Remove discrete serialization for payroll
- CDM-8570 Story - Allows allow enabling the check scanner
- CDM-8571 Story - Enable ACH Payroll functions through a system preference and if Payroll Direct Deposit isn't enabled
- CDM-8602 Story - Add a trigger to validate fgsystem.plan
- CDM-8688 Story - Display Unlimited licenses in serialization for Complete
- CDM-8418 Story - Standardize the Process Pending Contributions permission
- CDM-8419 Story - Use the plural term for Contributions in Administration
- CDM-8731 Story - Remove WMT from Administration
- CDM-8611 Bug - An error can occur when backing up a large database
- CDM-8801 Bug - Error backing up hosted databases
COG Regional
- CDM-8721 Bug - Updating COG Regional program to latest version caused Imported Minister Report tabs to use a Current value of 'Windows.'
Change Sets
- CDM-8338 Bug - New phones and emails include a Pending Minister PIN item on ministerial change sets
- CDM-8733 Bug - Opening Process Ministerial Changes causes an error
- CDM-8459 Story - Standardize the term "Notes" on the ministerial change submission window
Chart of Accounts
- CDM-8434 Bug - The data entry default explainer is partially obscured on Chart of Accounts
- CDM-8288 Bug - Opening Process Pending Contributions is slow
- CDM-8289 Bug - Processing Contributions is slow
- CDM-8542 Bug - Pledges headed-list-box visibly resizes when going down the list
- CDM-8572 Bug - Splitting the breakdown on an online gift can throw off deposit processing
- CDM-8588 Bug - The icon on the confirmation window to un-post a contribution needs to be updated
- CDM-8591 Bug - Running the Reset Date of Last Gift special function doesn't reset dates
- CDM-8603 Bug - Pledge tab in Giving Unit Records is not sorting by name when the header is clicked for Pledge
- CDM-8606 Bug - Updating Contributions while Pledge Records is open in Add Mode throws an error
- CDM-8610 Bug - Contribution Records can't display full dates
- CDM-8624 Bug - Recurring Contributions Listing includes inactive recurring gifts
- CDM-8628 Bug - An error occurs in Contribution Custom Listing if you include any of the breakdown columns
- CDM-8716 Bug - Gift Records do NOT insert new transaction records when they should
- CDM-8717 Bug - Gift records do NOT cancel saving when saving fails
- CDM-8586 Story - Clean up triggers for calculating first/last gift information on giving units
DOC Ministers
- CDM-8796 Bug - Minister Sent Notice Records cannot be resent
DOC Ministers (General)
- CDM-8660 Bug - Date Options for Minister Custom Listing are partially incorrect in DOC General
- CDM-8694 Bug - The 'Update Previous from Current' button stays active after you click 'Cancel' > 'No' in Change mode.
- CDM-8709 Bug - Select a minister record in Minister Records window and you get an error.
- CDM-8724 Bug - The PDF of a Profile is writing over text on page 13 for Laura Beth Zeh
- CDM-8738 Bug - Working in Minister Records is very slow
- CDM-8755 Bug - Ready for Circulation table not showing reference information
- CDM-7613 Story - Update the DOC General Statistics report to include the entire list of Genders
- CDM-7751 Story - Retain work location historical for DOC General Minister Records
- CDM-8233 Story - Circulation Actions
- CDM-8756 Story - Circulation Notice report must be sent to a defined list of regional staff
- CDM-8758 Story - Include the Not in Circulation, Ready for Circulation, In Circulation, and Pending Update headings for the status of circulation above the list box
- CDM-8759 Story - The 'Update Circulation' button is not visible when 'Permission to Circulate' is not checked and Pending Updates is checked.
- CDM-8760 Story - The circulation notice under the Minister's Updating General and Limited Circulation sections, the change needs to be specified
- CDM-8761 Story - Need to save Circulation Notices and make them available via the Minister Sent Notice window
DOC Ministers (Regional)
- CDM-8575 Bug - Church positions are missing an icon in DOC Regional change reporting
- CDM-8668 Bug - Changing the 'Filter' status on Minister Records window changes the options in the Lefthand sidebar
- CDM-8415 Story - Update the Menu item for the Minister Assembly List report to be Minister Assembly Directory
- CDM-8639 Story - Require additional fields to submit changes for a minister with standing
DOC Regional Ministry Positions
- CDM-8207 Bug - When using Send With Other Application with Ministry Position Email Notices, the Send With Other Application window does not close, and no Ministry position sent notice record is added.
- CDM-8662 Bug - Create Individual is not working in the Ministry Position Records window.
- CDM-8666 Story - Add trigger to set position description from position on sac.ministry_position
Database Browser
- CDM-8712 Story - Store databases metadata in fgdb_info
- CDM-8703 Bug - COG Demo serialization issue
- CDM-8566 Story - Change the demo password to default
- CDM-8433 Bug - Roles are unavailable when serialized for Engage without Membership
- CDM-8067 Story - Re-work menu lines specific to Engage Complete access
- CDM-8564 Story - Add fee_assist_prompt column to engage.pending_sms_gift
- CDM-8597 Story - Enhance fcgivingfund_validate_sms_command to prevent using YES or NO
- CDM-8644 Story - Patch changes necessary for final fee assist features
- CDM-8750 Story - Rework the delete triggers on fmcontactnumber and fmemaillink to update giving unit and sync to SST correctly
- CDM-8751 Story - Write a migration to migrate donor emails that aren't currently in fmemaillink
Event Registration
- CDM-8560 Bug - Event Registration does not sort properly
- CDM-8007 Story - Store registration and event dates and times as timestamp fields
- CDM-8609 Bug - Shift-tabbing from the find criterion field executes the find
Investor's Heritage
- CDM-8809 Bug - Globe Life Heritage statement has broken text
- CDM-8650 Story - Ability to limit Investors Heritage reports by by print index
- CDM-8604 Bug - Opening Quarterly Comparison Report throws an error
- CDM-8693 Bug - Changing the offsetting entry when voiding a ledger entry improperly voids the entry
- CDM-8798 Bug - Changing the account on a Bank Charge does NOT enable the Save button
- CDM-8799 Bug - Changing the amount for Bank Charge does NOT update the credit line on the corresponding Ledger Entry
- CDM-8800 Bug - Deleting an Interest line does NOT delete the corresponding Ledger Entry
- CDM-6192 Story - Add a button to jump to the bank reconciliation from a cleared ledger entry
- CDM-6193 Story - Display the reference number when selecting an entry on the bank reconciliation
- CDM-8580 Story - Allow View Selected Entries from Bank Reconciliation for cleared records
- CDM-8596 Story - Add Jump To Buttons for Bank Charges and Interest in Bank Reconciliation
- CDM-8605 Bug - Login window throws error after restoring backup
- CDM-8708 Bug - The login picture is not showing
- CDM-8009 Bug - Program will not save changes to the field names for items under DOC Minister tab
- CDM-8075 Bug - Last Visitation Date does not refresh when a visitation record is removed
- CDM-8096 Bug - When changing field contents in the Individual Record frame Grid, you get an error
- CDM-8262 Bug - The copy Address Name icon is being cutoff in macOS
- CDM-8556 Bug - An error can occur adding comments to pastoral records from the Pastoral Record Frame tab
- CDM-8769 Bug - Recipients for Individual Email do NOT save correctly.
- CDM-8771 Bug - Individual Email Notice is not saving the list of emails selected under More Options when set to send as BCC
Minister Reports
- CDM-8583 Bug - Minister Info from Import File is not using capitalization
- CDM-8706 Bug - Accounting, Ledger, and Sales Orders toolbars are enabled even if their modules are not
- CDM-8584 Story - Change the menu line to go to the base help center URL
- CDM-8770 Bug - Email notices incorrectly removes recipients if there is a comma in a given recipients name
- CDM-8775 Bug - Individual Email Notice 'More Options' is not holding selection
- CDM-8470 Story - Update the card icon
- CDM-8282 Bug - Payroll Period Detail is showing Payroll Records that have been deleted
- CDM-8409 Bug - There is no Address Line 1 option in the Configure window for Employee Records
- CDM-8450 Bug - Calculating Time Off includes deleted payroll
- CDM-8461 Bug - Cannot jump to invoices from posted payroll
- CDM-8527 Bug - A new Employee Record will not save when the Time Off tab is selected during the creation of the record.
- CDM-8779 Bug - Updating to 11.2.0 does not properly set auto-draw pay option
- CDM-5248 Story - Update the Louisiana tax withholding to be correct
- CDM-8139 Story - Bank Holiday polish
- CDM-8554 Story - Update payroll support check for new plans
- CDM-8647 Story - Add a Vision deduction to the Who's Where export
Record Frame
- CDM-8158 Bug - Selecting a column heading on the merge fields window when merging records changes the Final Record heading
- CDM-8645 Bug - Records frame search results do NOT refresh after making changes using the data grid
- CDM-8550 Story - Enhance Record Frame tabs to enable ongoing term-support for tabs with Default Descriptions
- CDM-8287 Bug - Log the sending of a Notice to an individual via Church Position Emails on the Notices tab of the Individual Record
- CDM-8574 Bug - Adding a new church position through the Church tab in Individual records does not prompt to add mastercode
- CDM-7559 Bug - Events with multiple rooms show multiple times on the calendar
- CDM-8619 Bug - The first day of the week view remains blank when starting when selected date is July 22, 2021
- CDM-8621 Bug - Updating a recurring event date in Roommate causes multiple instances to show when you click Next button
- CDM-8683 Bug - Cannot clear customers on events
- CDM-8699 Bug - Event Schedule isn't sorting properly by start time
- CDM-8772 Bug - When switching views in Roommate or making a change to an existing event, the 'Duplicate Event' window displays
- CDM-8594 Story - Add a database migration to reset the Roommate cache
- CDM-8595 Story - Add a Roommate cache reset to the patch script
- CDM-8722 Story - Add integrity trigger to prevent duplicate event instances
Search and Call
- CDM-8641 Bug - Cannot send any email in the program that does not use the confirmation email window
- CDM-8794 Bug - The Enter Circulation action does not cancel if you click no to the prompt
- CDM-7106 Epic - 2020 DHM Enhancements
- CDM-7192 Story - Circulation Notice Report
- CDM-8546 Story - Add Minister Profile salary begin and end to the field manager
- CDM-8578 Story - Update set_circulation_preferences database function to set ciruclationoption 0 for new credential values
- CDM-8656 Story - Remove access to OH circulation reports for IN, PA, MI, and KY
Search and Call Flagging
- CDM-8600 Bug - Printing to Flagged Minister Report from Minister Records incorrectly formats the report data
Setup Assistant
- CDM-8701 Bug - Entering hosting credentials doesn't accept long passwords
Stewardship Technology
- CDM-8783 Story - Handle double quotes in giving unit salutation when syncing to SST
Suran Omnis Framework
- CDM-8504 Story - Enhance the message queue to discard calls to non-existent methods
Tax Forms
- CDM-7810 Story - Migrate tax manager backups to be server-side
- CDM-7886 Bug - Downloads display the incorrect rate
- CDM-8646 Bug - Updating a database to produces an error
- CDM-8718 Bug - Update to web update from to
- CDM-8757 Bug - An error can occur updating a database to 11.2
- CDM-8867 Bug - An error occurs updating to CDM+ 11.2.0 build 9753
User Customizations
- CDM-8682 Story - Limit attendance totals on PSM's invoices and statements through the current date
- CDM-8723 Story - Allow setting the PSM season attendance start and end date with a system preference
- CDM-8808 Story - Ensure PSM attendance expands the event cache
User Fields
- CDM-8727 Bug - Headers can be selected from the field list when adding fields in User Field Maintenance