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Women's Report Setup Window

The Women's Report Setup window is accessed from the CDM+ menu Program >Women's Report >Women's Report Setup. There are 3 panes to this window: Giving Funds, Options and ACH Account.

Giving Funds

Check the box next to each Giving Fund that will be used with Women's Reports.


  1. Region - If this field is not already populated, select the state or region to which your office corresponds from the drop list.
  2. President and Secretary - These are the positions you defined in Position Codes in Master Coding System. You can select any position you want for these fields, they do not have to be President and Secretary.
  3. Online Report Notification Email - You may enter an email address here that will receive notice when Women's Report has been submitted from a church in your region.

ACH Account

The final pane of the Women's Reports Setup window is where you specify the bank account information for ACH payments submitted by the State Office to the International Office. This does not apply to payment made through the Women's Report Web Ministry Tool.

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