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Individual by Age Report

Open Individual Custom Listing and Export Report
Reports > Membership Reports > Listing and Exports > Individual Custom Listing and Export

  1. Click on Advanced Search

  2. Select Match the Advanced Search only radio button, then
  3. Click Configure Advanced Search

  4. Setup a Primary Search for Age is greater than or equal to 'lowest age' AND Age is less than or equal to 'highest age'
  5. Then, click OK

  6. Click Columns from the sidebar.

  7. Click the plus sign (plus) beside the Set name.

  8. Give the set a description.
  9. Click OK

  10. Go through the fields and find 'Full Address Name' and double-click it to move it to the next column.

  11. Select the 'Full Address Name' field under Fields in Set column, then enter a Custom Name for the field and set the desired parameters.
    1. Custom Name set to 'Parent's Name'
    2. Address Name Field: set to 'Salutation'
    3. Put a check in 'Last Name First' checkbox.

  12. Move the fields you wish to display on your report into the Fields in Set column, then close the window.

  13. To sort this report, click on Configure Sorts and Totals at the bottom of the fields list.

  14. Select the field you wish to sort on from the first drop-down. We are going to sort by Address Last Name. When done, click Save.

  15. You can also give the report a unique title by adding it in the 'Report Title' field at the top-center of the window.
  16. Once, you have other options like Format, Page Setup, add Logo, and Load/Save the report.
  17. You are now ready to print your report. You have many options, from left to right.
    1. Print to a printer
    2. Print to PDF
    3. Print to Clipboard (Copy/Paste)
    4. Export to CSV
    5. Open in Numbers (if installed on a macOS computer)
    6. Open in Excel (if installed on macOS or Windows computers)
    7. Print to Screen, or
    8. You can refresh the window and display the report within the report window.

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