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Recovering a Lost or Forgotten Password

To reset or recover a lost or forgotten Engage password, begin by selecting Forgot password from the Engage login page.

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Engage will respond by asking for an email address. Enter the email address, and Engage will use the address to look up the individual record associated with this Engage account in the CDM+ database.

Engage will display the names of all individuals in the CDM+ database associated with that email address. If an individual has already created an Engage account, the Engage username will be shown in parentheses next to the individual name.

Tap the name of the individual that needs to have the password reset. Engage will send an email to that email address that contains the user name, and instructions to reset their password.

The received email includes your username as well as a link to reset your password. Please make sure you are using the correct username when logging in with your reset password.
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