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How to Create a Scheduled Gift

  1. Enter the username and password you created when setting up your Engage Account.
  2. Click SIGN IN

  3. The New Gift entry screen appears. Select the appropriate giving option.

  4. Enter amounts in the desired Giving Funds
  5. Set the frequency of the gift.  The default is once but may be set to several common frequencies.  Open the dropdown to select a different frequency.
  6. Set the date of the gift.  This defaults to tomorrow’s date. Clicking on the date field will open a Calendar window, from which the Scheduled Date can be selected.
  7. Click Continue

  8. Enter Payment information 
  9. Click Continue

  10. The member confirmation screen will appear. Enter any special notes regarding the gift in the Gift Memo box.

  11. Click Submit Gift

  12. A final confirmation popup will appear. Click OK. Your gift will begin processing and three dots appearing over the OK button, indicating the process is working.

  13. Once the gift has completed processing, the popup window will change. Click OK

  14. The Gift Summary window will display, providing the details of the gift and offering a Print Receipt option. Since this is a Scheduled Gift, there will be a text box indicating such, and the Gift Date will reflect the Scheduled Date.

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