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2024-03-27 Release Notes


March 27, 2024


46 issues

Important highlights from this release

  • UCC Local Church Profile Work

  • UCC Data Hub Work

All updates for this release


  • UPD-35 Story - Update image url for Help Center Download

Master Coding System

  • API-1767 Story - Update the way url types are returned to use master codes

  • API-1805 Story - Add V3 endpoint to get mastercodes of a specific type

UCC Data Hub

  • API-1800 Bug - Format Total Camp/Retreat Center Income as currency in Conference Finances.

  • ENG-2803 Bug - When Form is selected on standard profile, 'Describe all buildings' disappears

  • API-1786 Story - Accompanying API Change for Conference Fiannce

  • API-1792 Story - Return type and regional_region_id from association finances endpoint

  • API-1793 Story - Set `conference_number` field to render without grouping for Conferences

  • API-1811 Story - Update ecclesiastical conference/association to match snapshot when submitting for validation

  • ENG-2944 Story - Open Church Accessibility Audit link in a new tab/window.

UCC Profiles Portal

  • ENG-2617 Bug - Scroll arrows appearing on Local Church Profile Menu on Windows

  • ENG-2844 Bug - UCC Homepage extra spacing between LCP and LCP Validation Request

  • ENG-2859 Bug - Fix "Marks" Link under Who God is Calling to Minister with Us

  • ENG-2867 Bug - Checkboxes not appearing next to correct text

  • ENG-2887 Bug - Date doesn't render correctly in Congregation Demographic

  • API-1794 Story - Save and return home_equity and home_equity_desc

  • API-1796 Story - remove checkboxes from LCP file uploads

  • API-1797 Story - Update ucc.ministry_position resource to pull housing allowance data points

  • API-1799 Story - Save & return link/file and link data for compensation

  • API-1801 Story - ENG-2866 companion: Remove other_reim_desc2 and other_reim_desc3

  • API-1802 Story - Save and return accessibilty items

  • API-1815 Story - Populate dates along with status change

  • ENG-2620 Story - Update Date Format So that it Doesn't Wrap on Tile

  • ENG-2683 Story - Polish Short and Standard Form Language

  • ENG-2726 Story - Add Housing Allowance Option

  • ENG-2736 Story - Add the ability to add multiple documents under Organizational Structure.

  • ENG-2777 Story - Correct Misalignments throughout the LCP

  • ENG-2783 Story - Short and Standard Form Polish #2

  • ENG-2785 Story - Add Home Equity Question

  • ENG-2791 Story - Use External Link MCS lists for link inputs

  • ENG-2793 Story - Add Additional text to ARDA/MissionInsite Info Box and update text

  • ENG-2794 Story - Add Validation for Organizational Structure

  • ENG-2800 Story - Update 3 Competencies Text on Standard Form

  • ENG-2827 Story - Pictures Uploads in LCP

  • ENG-2849 Story - LCP - Draft Polishes

  • ENG-2861 Story - Church Position Status Actions

  • ENG-2865 Story - Right Align all Numbers in Edit and View Mode

  • ENG-2866 Story - Additional Reimbursements Text Box

  • ENG-2868 Story - Listing Information as Read-Only

  • ENG-2871 Story - When viewing Published LCP Draft Mode expose sections in left sidebar

  • ENG-2872 Story - For Both Short and Standard Profile whether in draft of edit mode, sidebar should follow

  • ENG-2879 Story - Fix Staff and Leadership box on Short Form

  • ENG-2880 Story - remove checkboxes from LCP file uploads

  • ENG-2911 Story - Worship Time Boxes

  • ENG-2914 Story - Move other option to bottom for Just World Covenant Partners

  • ENG-2922 Story - Add loading icon after clicking to open a local church profile

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