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2023-06-14 Release Notes

DateJune 14, 2023
35 issues

Important highlights from this release

  • Update UI for selecting gift date and frequency
  • Update UI for date select on 1st and 16th gifts
  • Numerous fixes and internal enhancements

All updates for this release

Congregational Profile

  • WMT-1593 Bug - Do not show positions with Complete status on Congregational Profile Tool login

Data Access

  • ENG-2153 Story - Make sure that refreshing JWT token works


  • API-1527 Story - Log ALL HTTP request responses


  • API-1504 Bug - Updating a recurring gift or enabling fee assist for all recurring should set the start date and next bill date to the next occurrence of the recurrence.schedule
  • API-1505 Bug - Enabling fee assist on all recurring gifts does not update the total amount on the Tempe contract
  • API-1531 Bug - Removing fund from text to give does not hold
  • API-1533 Bug - Default account for giving unit is not cleared when pay.account record is soft deleted
  • ENG-2252 Bug - Updating a recurring gift should set the start date and next bill date to the next occurrence of the recurrence.schedule
  • ENG-2258 Bug - Next Gift Date is not Advancing/Changing After last gift fires off.
  • ENG-2271 Bug - Receiving Error when creating a Recurring Donation without an End-Date
  • ENG-2275 Bug - Guest gift does not use correct payment method if some ACH info is filled in
  • ENG-2279 Bug - Fee assist is not calculated correctly when editing a gift
  • ENG-2288 Bug - Creating a recurring gift calculates the number of occurrences incorrectly
  • ENG-2291 Bug - Frequency and next gift date stored incorrectly when recurrence of a new gift is changed to 1st/16th
  • ENG-2294 Bug - Engage is setting all gifts as One Time en route to the API
  • ENG-2297 Bug - Scheduled gifts show in active columns
  • API-1498 Story - Create method to save the sort order of an array of giving set
  • ENG-2254 Story - Add Immediate option and change One Time to One Time in Future
  • ENG-2256 Story - Filter fee assist eligible gifts based on account status
  • ENG-2268 Story - Only allow selecting the 1st or 16th of a month when scheduling a 1st and 16th recurring gift
  • ENG-2285 Story - Ensure that `end_date` fields open to month of their accompanying`start_date` fields


  • API-1535 Story - Make sure that refreshing JWT token works


  • ENG-1663 Story - Retain sort/search when going back to data tables


  • API-1494 Story - Notice for 'Incomplete' transactions
  • API-1521 Story - Remove the technical error delay notice

Payment Methods

  • ENG-2284 Bug - Creating a new credit card payment method does not save name on card

Payment System

  • API-1534 Bug - Creating a new credit card payment method does not save name on card
  • ENG-2263 Bug - Submitting a second One Time Charge gives Invalid Parameters error
  • API-1529 Story - Only use active account holder records
  • ENG-2247 Story - Update the summary of a one time charge to say Transaction ID


  • API-1526 Bug - Error sending event registration payment email


  • ENG-2299 Story - Dynamically add the HTML script element for recaptcha to the index.html

Single Event Registration Tool

  • WMT-1612 Bug - First and Last Name field does not recognize special characters

Tech Stack

  • API-1414 Story - Add logging to CDN controller

UCC Profiles Portal

  • API-1324 Story - Limit Search Snapshot results to ministers with Engage credentials
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