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2022-07-13 Release Notes

DateJuly 13, 2022
14 issues

These release notes includes updates from June 29, 2022, June 30, 2022, July 1, 2022, and July 12, 2022.

Important highlights from this release

  • Ability to embed Engage
  • Upgraded reCAPTCHA for improved security
  • Bug fixes and minor enhancements

All updates for this release


  • ENG-1729 Story - Build UI Component: Demo Dock
  • ENG-1736 Story - Build UI Components


  • API-1073 Story - Update to recaptcha v3
  • ENG-1328 Story - Add a dynamic announcement banner that shows automatically when needed
  • ENG-1755 Story - Update recaptcha to v3


  • ENG-1677 Story - Add links to embed Engage forms

Payment System

  • API-1074 Bug - Gift Emails don't send in approval or production
  • API-1081 Bug - Expiring Credit Card Notice won't send in approval/production


  • API-1064 Bug - Error occurs when searching for individuals with blank string
  • API-1065 Bug - Individuals that are not in the groups you should be able to search are returned and public groups are not displayed
  • ENG-1769 Bug - () shows when entering a blank preferred name

Tech Stack

  • ENG-1676 Story - Allow embedding Engage in an iframe

UCC Profiles Portal

  • ENG-1767 Bug - When both announcement banners are active, the minister profile sidebar remains locked in place.
  • ENG-1712 Story - Position Committee Chair indicator so that it does not overlap with the committee member name
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