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2022-06-21 Release Notes

DateJune 21, 2022
34 issues

These release notes includes updates from June 13, 2022, and June 15, 2022.

Important highlights from this release

  • Privacy Settings
  • Prevent logging in during maintenance mode
  • Bug fixes and minor enhancements

All updates for this release


  • ENG-1717 Sub-task - Add the CDM+ logo to the page
  • ENG-1718 Sub-task - Replace the default logo for organizations

Congregational Profile

  • WMT-1570 Bug - Correct typos in Congregational Profile Tool

Data Access

  • API-1001 Story - Add a endpoint to delete a hosted database

Database Management

  • API-1015 Story - Add a endpoint to get a list of databases associated with the hosting user
  • API-1016 Story - Add a endpoint to update a database information
  • API-1018 Story - Add a endpoint to get database information

Error Handling

  • FER-204 Story - Don't send error emails from tests
  • FER-205 Story - Handle an error when invalidating api caches
  • FER-207 Story - Handle when provision for slug doesn't exist


  • ENG-1750 Bug - Recent online gifts amount only has one number after decimal place
  • API-1061 Story - Send a staff notification when a gift is cancelled
  • ENG-1722 Story - Ability to set fee percentages for flat-rate calculations per-database


  • API-1007 Story - Add a endpoint to create an empty hosted database


  • API-1032 Story - Prevent logging in when in maintenance mode
  • ENG-1498 Story - Prevent logging in when the account is in maintenance mode
  • ENG-1734 Story - Show username populated if passed as a param
  • ENG-1743 Story - Restore the ability to create new accounts from the login page


  • FER-190 Story - Include maintenance_mode with /engage_provision response


  • ENG-1749 Bug - Can't use menu after submitting recurring gift


  • API-1051 Story - Update UCC account requested non-production email to

Payment System

  • API-1052 Story - Return fee_percentage data from description endpoint


  • ENG-726 Story - Privacy Settings
  • API-1011 Story - Endpoints for privacy settings
  • API-1055 Story - API returns an error searching groups when all private groups are enabled
  • ENG-1713 Story - Check engage.user column names for privacy settings
  • ENG-1732 Story - Engage shows an error searching groups when all private groups are enabled


  • API-1020 Story - Create an endpoint to get a Prospect ID and password from prospect email address


  • FER-206 Story - Stewardship login and form redirect


  • API-1029 Story - Refactor SHM and SUF routes under /api/v2/ routing

Single Event Registration Tool

  • WMT-1567 Bug - Single Event Registration Tool set to use a Camp/Youth event shows Gender options overlapping Contact fields.

UCC Profiles Portal

  • ENG-1699 Bug - The UCC footer overprints the sidebar when viewing a profile
  • ENG-1707 Story - Expose the Data Hub preview panel


  • API-1021 Story - Create an endpoint to get SUF User information from verified IP addresses
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