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2021-04-26 Release Notes

DateApr 26, 2021
51 issues

Important highlights from this release

  1. Text Giving will now offer to enable Fee Assist if the first gift made after enabling Fee Assist is a text gift
  2. Transaction details in Search Transactions now have more complete CDM+ Record information
  3. Support for 2021 software plans
  4. Church Positions now display active positions only (for regional users) 

All updates for this release


  • FER-157 Story - Support additional commands for removing a number
  • FER-165 Story - Add a log message with message id and content before sending a request to Bandwidth


  • ENG-1161 Bug - Some information is not displaying correctly on the billing payment receipt
  • ENG-1176 Bug - Payment receipt shows a broken image when there is no logo selected
  • ENG-1154 Story - Make online billing aware of statement dates and prevent making payments on dates that have statements generated


  • API-766 Bug - Error is thrown when trying to save an SVG file as the organization logo
  • ENG-1158 Story - Remove query params from organization logo source to allow proper caching
  • ENG-1178 Story - Use ferret based on environment to get logo info
  • ENG-1185 Story - Handle logo file types that are not 3 or 4 characters

Data Access

  • WMT-1475 Story - Set timezone with database connections

Data Hosting

  • FER-167 Story - Use local hosting client table


  • WMT-1495 Story - Update uses of fgsystem.engage_plan to reference the result from engage.has_engage_access


  • ENG-1146 Bug - Gift date does not reset after submitting a one-time future gift
  • ENG-1155 Bug - Changing Logo in Admin does not update the logo on the giver's email
  • ENG-1170 Bug - Payment Type is not matching on the review page
  • FER-166 Story - Enhance Ferret methods to allow for fee assist prompt
  • API-758 Story - Include source on giver and staff emails
  • API-761 Story - Update PUT /engage_setting/giving_sets/:id endpoint to coordinate with ENG-1124
  • API-762 Story - Return if text giving is enabled
  • API-763 Story - When viewing gift details, display fee assist breakdown last
  • API-767 Story - Offer to enable fee assist for text gifts
  • ENG-1137 Story - Factor out a component for displaying gift details
  • ENG-1143 Story - Only change fee assist preference options once givers phone number is verified
  • ENG-1144 Story - Hide phone number for text giving section if the database doesn't have text giving


  • ENG-1149 Bug - The shortcut for Engage on iOS devices is giving an error

Payment Administration

  • ENG-1157 Bug - Yes, refund it button is not disabled after it is clicked
  • ENG-1165 Bug - Console error occurs after refunding a transaction
  • ENG-1113 Story - Make CDM+ Record information on a transaction detail show overall information
  • ENG-1133 Story - Change Account Information to Payment Method
  • ENG-1134 Story - Update the receipt from Transaction Details

Payment System

  • API-759 Bug - Going to the details page of a transaction without giving detail gives error
  • API-760 Bug - One Time Charge does not handle descriptions with single quotes
  • ENG-1160 Bug - Submitting a second one time charge gives an error
  • WMT-1485 Bug - Country and State drop downs do not load for cdmdata_development
  • ENG-1095 Story - Use payment-page component for one time charge


  • API-765 Story - Limit church positions to active positions


  • ENG-921 Story - Display a helpful message when no results for "My Registrations"


  • ENG-1001 Story - Prevent using unsubscribe commands
  • ENG-1124 Story - Eliminate code in admin/settings/route aftermodel that initializes fund data

Single Event Registration Tool

  • WMT-1471 Bug - Add the same list of genders on Event Registration page in SERT
  • WMT-1476 Bug - Registration emails won't send if grade and birthdate are not included
  • WMT-1481 Bug - Previous Step Button On The Confirmation Page Does Not Go Back
  • WMT-1484 Bug - The SERT Attendee page is showing stray characters above the Grade text and these characters are in the received email.
  • WMT-1486 Bug - Clicking Previous Page from the activity page to attendee page depopulates the gender and birthday drop downs
  • WMT-1493 Bug - Event Registration - Minimum Due payment is ignored
  • WMT-1509 Bug - Activities page in Event Registration is not displaying right
  • WMT-1479 Story - Rename the Unknown gender option to Prefer not to specify

Suran Administration

  • WMT-1502 Story - Do not disable provision when user is saved without the Engage toolkit


  • API-768 Story - Remove references to fgsystem.engage_plan

Tech Stack

  • API-774 Bug - A clean install of suran-api throws an error about mimemagic

Text Giving

  • ENG-1181 Story - Prevent using YES or NO as commands for text giving funds
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