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Memorial Gifts Reports

Various reporting options are available:

  • Gifts Used – a listing of memorial fund expenditure; may be sorted by date or designee

  • Gifts Given List – a listing of memorial gifts given; may be sorted by date or designee; option to show or not the giver’s address, for what the gift was designated and/or the gift detail.

  • Gifts Given Composite – a simple listing of the total amount of memorial funds given per designee

  • Gifts Given Custom Listing – extremely flexible report for memorial gifts given (see Custom Listings for more information.)

  • Gifts Given Labels – print labels or envelopes with names/addresses of memorial gift givers

  • Gifts Given Export – export information about memorial gifts given (giver, giver’s address, designee, amount, date, etc.); can be used with a word merge to print acknowledgments (see Exporting for more information)

  • Gifts Given vs. Used – listing of memorial funds given for a designee and used and resulting balance

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