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Memorial Gifts Reports

There are many reports you can run to see details of Memorial Gifts.

  1. To see some report options, go to ReportsMemorial Gifts ReportsListings and Exports.


  2. Under the Listings and Export menu you can find the following reports:

    1. Memorial Gift Designees Custom Listing and Export- you can create a custom report based on memorial gift designee information.

    2. Memorial Gifts Used Listing- a listing of memorial fund expenditure; may be sorted by date or designee

    3. Memorial Gifts Used Custom Listing and Export- you can create a custom report based on memorial gifts used

    4. Memorial Gifts Given Listing- extremely flexible report for memorial gifts given that allows you to create a custom report

    5. Memorial Gifts Given Composite- a simple listing of the total amount of memorial funds given per designee

    6. Memorial Gifts Given Custom Listing and Export- you can create a custom report based on memorial gifts given

    7. Gifts Given vs. Used- listing of memorial funds given for a designee and used and resulting balance

  1. To be able to print labels or envelopes go to ReportsMemorial Gifts ReportsMemorial Gifts Given Labels/Envelopes


  2. Here you will be able to print labels or envelopes with names/address of memorial gift-givers.


  3. The last report option available for memorial gifts is to create letters, cards, or email notices that can be sent to the gift designee. You can create these notices by going to ReportsMemorial Gifts ReportsNotices.


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