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How to Enter Batch Contributions

Adding a New Batch

  1. From the Welcome to CDM+ window, click Contributions

  2. From the Windows tab, click Contribution Entry

  3. On the Batch Contribution Entry window, click Add

  4. On the Batch Contribution Setup window, enter the desired information

    • Batch Code: This is any combination of characters that will provide you a convenient way of identifying the specific batch. This field is optional.
    • Deposit Date: The date the contributions were deposited in the bank.
    • Contribution Date: The date the contributions were collected.
    • Default Event: The event the contributions were given (e.g. Fund Raising Event, Worship Service, Special Offering, etc.)
    • Asset: The chart of accounts number that is associated with the bank account where the deposit is made.
    • Amount: The total amount of all contributions for this batch
    • Control Method

      Click here to see the definition of the Control Method ...

         Control numbers are calculated values that you can use to double-check your contribution                                                                                                                         *

        entry. Three methods of calculating control numbers are available:

         0) No Control Method

         1) This method assumes numeric giving unit codes. Each giving unit code is multiplied by the

        number of breakdown items on that giving unit's contribution. The resulting values are

        totaled to determine the control number.

        2) This method assumes numeric giving unit codes. The sum of the giving unit codes is

        multiplied by the total number of contributions to determine the control number.

        3) This method defines the control number as the total number of contributions entered.

    • Giving Fund: The Giving Fund the contributions will be put toward.

  5. Click OK

Entering Giving Unit

  1. At the bottom of the window, click Add to enter a single contribution, or Multi-Add to enter multiple contributions
  2. Under Giving Unit, begin typing the Giver's Code or a few letters of the givers last name.
  3. Select the Giving Unit from the drop down list.

  4. Under Payment, select Type from the dropdown

    Click here to see how to set a default Payment Type
    1. Click on the Prefs button at the bottom of the window

    2. In the Batch Contribution Preferences Override window select a payment type from the drop-down, then click OK.

  5. Under Total, enter the total amount of all contributions the giving unit gave for this entry

  6. Under Detail, fill in the desired information

    • Giving Fund: Select a Giving Fund from the dropdown, unless you set a default in Batch Contribution Setup
    • Amount: The total contribution
    • * checkbox: Check if contribution is not tax deductible
    • Note: Add any notes about the contribution if needed

  7. Under Memo, add check memo, if applicable
  8. Under Event, select the event this contribution was given from. For a church it could be Sunday Morning Worship. For a non-profit, it could be a specific fund raiser.
  9. Click Save. If using Multi-Add, and are finished, click Finish.

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