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Setting Up an Archive

  1. Check a record type to archive (e.g., Address Records).

    You will only see record types for which you have data in CDM+.

  2. Choose Archive All, Advanced Find or Standard Search.

  3. Configure the Advanced Find or Standard Search.

    Example of a Membership archive:

  4. Select Preview to see records to be archived.
  5. Double-click a record to exclude it from the archive.

  6. Choose Archive Mode from the drop-down field; be intentional.

    1. Standard Archive to move data to the archive file and remove from the main file.

    2. Copy Only to move data to the archive file and leave in the main file.

    3. Delete Only to remove data from the main file. THIS WILL PERMANENTLY DELETE YOUR DATA!

  7. Click OK and verify that you've selected the right records by clicking Continue.
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