Preferences in CDM+ are separated into two categories: CDM+ System preferences, which affect all users, and CDM+ User preferences, which only affect the user setting the preferences. User preferences make possible a highly customized workspace for each user.
Some options, especially in CDM+ System preferences, may not be available to all users. Options will differ according to the number and type of programs purchased and to a user’s assigned privileges.
To access preferences under Mac OS X, select Preferences under the CDM+ application menu. Under Windows, Preferences is located under the File menu. From Preferences, select either CDM+ System or CDM+ User from the sub-menu.
System Preferences
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You can access various sets of Preferences by selecting from the tabs at the top of the window. Users with all privileges who own all programs would see the following tabs: General, Membership & Attendance, Contributions, Accounting, Payroll, Event Registration and Roommate.
Click on a tab see one or more icons within each area or program pane. Clicking on an icon will open a new pane of preferences within the Preferences window. When you are finished marking your preferences, click Save. In this section we will discuss options on the general tab of the CDM+ System preferences window. Options accessed through the other tabs are discussed in the chapters of this manual dealing with individual programs.
The General Preferences tab contains a large number of preferences that affect overall look and performance of CDM+.
Name allows you to enter your church’s or organization’s name, address, phone number or any other information you would like to (optionally) display at the top of reports. There is also a field to record your Denominational ID or area, if desired.
Sys. E-Mail opens the SMTP Settings tab with a link to Manage SMTP Servers. Complete the system SMTP settings for sending email from CDM+. On the Additional Staff Addresses tab enter the email addresses of staff members. By default outgoing emails will be sent to these addresses, but you can edit the list at the time you send the email. Note that you may also add email addresses here using the Select Individual button, which pulls the email addresses directly from your database and helps avoid typos. The Privacy Notice tab has a field to type in a privacy notice that will append to the end of outgoing emails. You have a chance to edit this notice at the time you send an email.
Formatting contains options for the appearance of dates, times and phone numbers on windows throughout CDM+.
Login allows you to set whether to show a list of users or prompt for usernames and passwords at login. See User Management above for more information.
Web Update preferences include whether or not CDM+ should use a proxy server when checking for updates. See Update above for more information.
Shutdown allows an administrator to set a shutdown time for all copies of CDM+ that are connected to the database.
Advanced contains options that CDM+ Technical Support may direct you to use. It is recommended that you do not adjust these settings unless doing so at the direction of tech support.
SST is for CDM+ users that own the Web Ministry Tool for Online Giving and/or the WMT for Event Registration and plan to take money online. Such users must have a Stewardship Technology merchant account, and this pane displays the Stewardship Technology Credentials and Test Credentials. There is also a field to enter the Asset Account to which money processed through Stewardship Technology should go, as well as "Check settings" buttons to verify that the ST credentials and test credentials work as desired.
User Preferences
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You can access various sets of Preferences by selecting from the tabs at the top of the window. Users who own all available CDM+ programs would see the following tabs: General, Membership & Attendance, Contributions, Accounting, Roommate and Check-In/Checkx-Out.
Click on a tab see one or more icons within each area or program pane. Clicking on an icon will open a new pane of preferences within the Preferences window. When you are finished marking your preferences, click Save. In this section we will discuss options on the general tab of the CDM+ User Preferences window. Options accessed through the other tabs are discussed in the chapters of this manual dealing with individual programs.
The General Preferences tab contains a large number of choices that allow the individual user to customize CDM+ and his or her workspace for maximum efficiency and ease of use.
Toolbars allows you to select which (if any) toolbars appear when you have the program open. This is particularly useful if you use primarily one CDM+ program, such as Membership. It is impractical to display all available CDM+ toolbars.
Toolbars can be set to display on any of the four edges of your monitor screen or they can be set to be a floating toolbar or palette, which can be re-sized and repositioned anywhere on your desktop. You may choose to include text descriptions of the toolbar buttons, if you desire.
Examples of Floating Toolbars
All users of CDM+ should click the User E-Mail icon on the General tab and enter his or her individual work email information: his or her name as he or she wishes it to appear on sent emails and his or her email address. SMTP setup is one on the CDM+ System Preferenceswindow. Check Use external email client for single e-mails if you want to send single emails outside of CDM+.
Menus allows you to modify shortcut key strokes for menu items. These settings are user-specific unless you check the These settings apply for all users box.
Defaults is where you set: 1. which window, if any, to open at startup 2. default paper size 3. default font options
MapQuest contain options related to the MapQuest® link which is found on most record windows that contain an address.
Web Update preferences include whether or not CDM+ should check the Web for updates at login. See the section above on Update for more information.
Keyboard allows you to specify whether or not the Enter key on the keypad should behave like the Tab key in certain data entry windows.
Advanced contains options that CDM+ Technical Support may direct you to use. It is recommended that you do not adjust these settings unless doing so at the direction of tech support.
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